Revenant trait bug, weakness

Revenant trait bug, weakness

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Swagginator.3246



the trait in retribution called Dwarven Battle Training is bugged. here is how it was tested:

the tooltip made me notice this first of all, then i went ahead and tested if the tooltip was bugged or not, but it wasn’t the tooltip, it was the trait that was bugged:

weakness original effect: -50% endurance regen, 50% fumble.

after picking the trait:

-75% endurance regeneration, 25% fumble. both should be 25% not only fumble.

i tested if the -75% endurance regeneration is actually 75% by letting a kind warrior apply weakness with his mace on me and i dodged twice to see how much i regen during 10 seconds. the trait made the regeneration slower, thus the trait is bugged

Revenant trait bug, weakness

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Swagginator.3246


it doesn’t seem like this has been read and therefore i decide to bump this. i checked the list of pending bugs etc