Right Click Bug

Right Click Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arzalis.1280


Since the major patch on the 28th, I’ve noticed that holding down right click and moving the camera will occasionally cause the mouse to depress which suddenly stops moving the camera and just moves the cursor instead. Not only this, it oddly seems to click very quickly when this happens, changing my target. Even more odd is the fact that it seemingly left clicks, because it actually completely deselects any target I have if it happens in an area with nothing targetable in it (something right click cannot do.)

I’ve tested my hardware in other games and in windows itself and it only happens in GW2. I also tried swapping my buttons in my windows settings and the exact same thing seemed to happen when I left clicked at that point.

If it helps, I use a Razer Naga. I haven’t been able to try another mouse yet to see if I experience the same issue, as I don’t have a spare one lying around.

Right Click Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Twiggy.2138


I have the same issue as you and i am using a normal simple microsoft mouse. (yes it sux for gaming)

A simple option turning off right click to select would solve this issue. I dont know why we need right click select when that is what left click does and i would say that most gamers use the right click button to move the camera ie: constantly pressing to move.

This issue is totally messing up my game, as a ranger i am obviously well back from the mobs and often straifing, with this issue i am quite often selecting mobs further away (or blank space then auto target something further away) and my pet will run off and agro everything on the way. Or i will target a party member/ npc and my attacks will miss the mob and go straight into the ground.

This has only been a problem for me since the patch on the 28th.

Right Click Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LITTLE.9864


Just needed to add my experience to this. I did not have a problem until this week. I’m using a Logitech G500 (wired) and have tested with another mouse. It’s nearly unplayable on any profession with minions/pets, because they are constantly targeted by mistake. Right-click will lose “focus” when hovering over large groups of NPCs or players, meaning the cursor will reappear and the click will no longer turn my character. Often, right clicking again in this situation won’t even work to right-click-turn my character again until I’m away from anything I can target. It makes combat extremely difficult and has resulted in me logging on a lot less frequently.

Right Click Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HarryWolfe.9024


thank god someone else is having target change/deselection issues!!!!
thought i was going mad.

have started to monitor my mouse interactions, hoping to find out why I suddenly change targets to an ally during combat, or why i can’t spawn a clone during combat, only to find that i have no target … quite suddenly :P.

this bug seems to occur via the mouse (simple 5 button logitech), and happens regardless of whether i am using the mouse to control camera or using the mouse to click buttons!!!!

Right Click Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AeroJavi.1687


This started happening in a quite recent patch (not the last one any more, but the former), and even though it has been mentioned a couple of times, seems like they are ignoring their own screw up on camera/targetting for now.

Right Click Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pigarro.2057


i’m having this issue too, i’m using a Logitech g300 mouse.
I found posts of people complaining about this 5 months ago , including one has an Arenanet post , but it still not fixed.
Please guys fix it, it’s a frustrating experience when you are doing WvW or puzzles