Rune Bug

Rune Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RobShift.2803


I’m not sure if this is the case for all runes, some runes or just the RANGER RUNE.

The ranger rune is saying that I have ‘9/6’ of the buffs it gives me. This is obviously not the case however, when I take a piece of armor off with the rune on, the ‘9’ will go down to an ‘8’.

I have 3 pieces of armor on with the ranger rune, so I guess it thinks I already have 6/6 of the buffs and then the 3 extra with the actual runes on.

Also it doesn’t actually give me any of the buffs, it’s just the number ‘n/6’ changes and not the actual buffs it gives me, so it isn’t game breaking. However, I’m just posting to point out that this bug is out there.


Rune Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


I believe this is a known bug from a combination of runes in your PvE and PvP armor sets. If you used the same runes in both, it will display as having more than you actually do, but you will only receive the benefit of however many runes you have on whichever armor set you are currently using.