Rune of Grenth bug
it doenst show you the microsec in the skill you apply so before you can get your mouse pointer to bring the skill popup on what you used it on you will see the 2s how ever there is still the micro sec you still happen because its 3s for such a small time if it wer say 3 1/2 sec but the time you get you mouse there you only see 3s and it wont display the pars of a sec so it works you just not understanding it correct
I’m aware of that, however you don’t need to hover the mouse there if you press the keyboard… I am telling you the rune doesn’t give 3s, roughly just 2s, I tested it with the full rune of grenth set, which gives +15% chill duration, a sigil of superior chilling and traited 30 points deep in explosives which gives 30% more condition duration (so +55% chill duration) and guess what? there’s still no way to get it to display 3 seconds
so… at least… TEST it BEFORE talking.