(edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230)
Rune of The Trapper + Ricochet Bug
Looking for some insight here hopefully soon since the runes are broken in a way and ricochet trait doesnt apply to skill 1 NON stealthed. Please get back to me, the post is subscribed to
BUMP -_- Requiring dev to post on this to make me feel secure lol
I’ve noticed the bug with traited thief pistol range as well.
When out of combat, Vital Shot appears as 1050 range when traited. When in combat, Vital Shot appears as only 900 range
It would seem to be more than just a tooltip bug – I’m able to hit Golem MK II from the infamous pile of boxes spot ONLY with pistol/pistol skills 2, 3 and 4, which list a 1050 range. Auto attack vital shot shown at 900 is out of range.
For the toast!
Using these as a full set and applying a trap while using thief ( maybe on ranger too ) does successfully put you in stealth, but right after you go stealth your autoattack triggers screwing you up for a sneak attack. You dont actually get off a Sneak Attack, you just auto attack normally WHILE IN STEALTH. It needs a cancel attack feature as you go stealth as a failsafe.
Ricochet trait for thieves – Skill 1(pistol main hand) does not have range increase despite what it states in the tooltip. Multiple Tooltips for skill 1 are listed while wielding pistol (mainhand)
Engineers have a similar skill for their autoattack for a pistol but get 1500 range….????
but thieves dont get their skill 1 minimum 1050?
Actually engineers acording to the description gets 200 range to the 900 of the pistol.
Though looks like somehow the programmers got it confused with the thief one and the pistol range says 1050 range isntead of the 1100 it should have (and had before the path)
(edited by Lixerious.5763)
Gaile Gray please look at this? someone? it works fine in spvp but in pve and wvw the range is bugged. when using the trapper runes it doesnt cancel the auto attack and forces you to waste a sneak attack OR forces you to auto attack as you would out of stealth.