Runes of Speed not giving 6-piece bonus

Runes of Speed not giving 6-piece bonus

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cirian.8917


The other problem with rune of speed is that if you have 6 piece, the 2 and 4 piece is pretty much pointless.

Agreed. Bonus 2 and 4 could be anti-snare, so perhaps:

2: Reduces cripple, chilled and immobilize duration xx%.
4: Cure cripple, chilled and immobilize when using a heal skill.

Or… 2 and 4 could be cumulative like Runes of the Noble are with might stacking, e.g.:

2: Reduces cripple, chilled and immobilize duration xx%.
4: Reduces cripple, chilled and immobilize duration xx%.

Or… you could have an aoe cure and tie to the elite, e.g.

2: Reduces cripple, chilled and immobilize duration xx%.
4: Cure cripple, chilled and immobilize on allies within 300 units when using an elite skill.

Then again, the way speed is applied could be cumulative over bonuses 2, 4 and 6 for a slightly larger bonus overall, e.g.:

2: 10% faster movement speed.
4: 10% faster movement speed.
6: 10% faster movement speed.

For 30% total bonus, putting Runes of Speed slightly ahead of Traveller, equal to the mesmer’s Compounding Celerity trait with 3 illusions, but slightly behind Swiftness.

Or maybe something completely different that I haven’t suggested.

So many options!

Runes of Speed not giving 6-piece bonus

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brit.9726


I know I should be grateful about this – but I’ve been waiting since the Beta to have this fixed. Waited a year for it, and couldn’t wait any longer. Got rid of my set for the Dolyak set for WvW a few days ago. Now you mention a fix. I’m slightly ticked off here.

Chrono B R I T – Mesmer
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Runes of Speed not giving 6-piece bonus

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Its still broken. We’ve had several patches, and it doesnt strike me as a terribly complicated issue to resolve.

(edited by Moderator)

Runes of Speed not giving 6-piece bonus

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: showcat.9821


I’m not referring to anyone in particular, just my attempt at humor.

I studied simple programming long, long ago. Back in the Dark Ages when computer monitors consisted of a black screen and a blinking white light, and typing the wrong thing got you a response like “Syntax Error.” There were no mice or hard drives and we stored programs on disks the size of dinner plates. Windows was something you looked out of when you were wishing you were somewhere else.

They don’t announce they will fix a bug because they can’t. They announce after a bug has been fixed because in order to fix it you have to find it first. If they haven’t found it yet they have no idea how long it will take to find it and if they have already found it then the bug has been fixed and so they don’t need to announce they intend to fix it.

The bugs in simple programs like a database or a program to move a box around the monitor screen drove me crazy. Fixing bugs in something as complex as an MMO is like repairing a jet engine while the plane is in flight. The amazing thing is not how long it takes to fix a bug but that they get fixed at all! And the next update breaks a dozen more things.

If you haven’t done it, you can’t understand what it involves. Imagine being shown an entire wing of a library – hundreds or thousands of books, and being told that there is a typo in one of those books. Find it and correct it. By next Tuesday.

I have and easy fix, its simple, efficient, and keeps the consumer happy -CHANGE THE TOOL TIP that’s right, describe what the rune is actually doing in the tool tip and call it fixed -problem solved. Now I know programmers are sometimes challenged figuring out 1000’s of lines of code, but they could give their summer intern a list of tool tip changes and have that person enter it in, thereby foregoing any difficulties the devs may or may not have with typing in English (or their respective, native language). can I get a plus one?! hallelujah!!

Runes of Speed not giving 6-piece bonus

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sitkaz.5463


We should have a fix going in for the Runes of Speed in the Oct. 15th update that will restore the 25% movement speed for the six-piece bonus.

That said, we feel that this rune is underwhelming in its intended state and is going to be a prime candidate for a rework in the near future. (Along with a bunch of other runes and sigils.)

That’s excellent news, and I’m glad for the update, thanks.

I hope if the runes are changed the 6 piece bonus will be at least as powerful because its the reason I chose these runes.