Rush skill doesn't make contact

Rush skill doesn't make contact

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


On certain, usually larger enemies, the warriors skill Rush never makes contact. The attacking animation never triggers and my character just continues to run into him. I’m unsure if this happens on every race, as I know they have different animation and sizes, but my Charr warrior usually never succeeds dealing damage with this attack.

There are probably many different enemies out there on which this skill is practically useless, the one that come to mind are Irukandji in FotM. There are many many more as I remember this happening frequently and it’s really discouraging me to use this skill at all. If anyone can confirm other enemy types with the same issue please post below them so Anet can look into them.

Rush skill doesn't make contact

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


Just happened again on a Veteran Oakheart.