SAB Achievement Miscalculation

SAB Achievement Miscalculation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nyspar.6103


Screenshot Proof:

My Glutton for Punishment is 2/3, therefore it means there is One zone in World 1 that I have not yet completed.

But that is not true, look in my bank and you see the 3 Green tokens that can Only be obtained from completing Zone 1, Zone 2, and Zone 3 of World 1.

Therefore I state that I have completed all 3 zones of World 1 and my Glutton for Punishment achievement should be 3/3 and fulfilled.

Thank you

[DnT] TargNyspar
Targaryen / Nymaria / Dwagonfire / Dwagonhunter

SAB Achievement Miscalculation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nyspar.6103


Note that I have already reported this bug in-game many days ago, and have problem has not been fixed.

I have sent in a support ticket earlier today, the only response I got was to “send in-game bug report,” basically telling me something I already did.

Seems to be a never-ending cycle. I’ve laid out all the proof that is required that this is a legitimate bug and I have valid reason to have my achievement points granted, yet still there seems to be so much “red tape” I have to cross.

[DnT] TargNyspar
Targaryen / Nymaria / Dwagonfire / Dwagonhunter

SAB Achievement Miscalculation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nretep.2564


Same thing happend to me with T2-1 … got the coin, but not the achievement.

SAB Achievement Miscalculation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Topher.1684


Just wondering, are you waiting til the timer runs out at the end? I think the achievement doesn’t pop until the timer runs out and you are ported to the next zone.

SAB Achievement Miscalculation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


Just wondering, are you waiting til the timer runs out at the end? I think the achievement doesn’t pop until the timer runs out and you are ported to the next zone.

^ This. You have to wait for the counter to get to 0.