SAB Moto continue room bugged, can't use coin

SAB Moto continue room bugged, can't use coin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HapticRuin.5384


Hello, just had this very frustrating bug while doing the associate of baubles and secret rooms achievements. Died at some point and got sent to the continue room but it spazzed out and it moved me to a random floating location above the lava, putting me out of range of talking to moto, making it impossible for me to use a coin, meaning I got kicked from the instance meaning I lost the achievements.

I died in the (world 2 zone 1) secret room with the green bauble with the 5 toads and the shopkeeper. I lagged a bit so I didn’t fully understand what happened but i’m pretty sure I was just sucked into a toad’s mouth and died there, maybe I died while being sucked in which caused me to be moved around in the continue room.

Would be nice if the continue prompt was similar to the zone choice prompt, or path choice prompt in dungeons so it’s always available no matter where you move.

Pic of location that I was floating is attached.


SAB Moto continue room bugged, can't use coin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Il Zo Zo lI.4350

Il Zo Zo lI.4350

This happened to me as well, but the entire room bugged out and snapped my character back and forth all over the room making it impossible hit the continue prompt and use my coin. I ended up floating where you are in that picture after it calmed down a bit.

SAB Moto continue room bugged, can't use coin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

On reddit, someone suggested keeping a healing potion with you in case it happens. Apparently, if you die in a certain way in W2z1 (and perhaps not any other), the game gets confused about your status. If you use the heal potion after it calms down, you’ll be “alive enough” to interact with Moto.

I realize doesn’t do you two much good
I hope it’s useful to others in avoiding the issue.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

SAB Moto continue room bugged, can't use coin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mirai Okumori.6205

Mirai Okumori.6205

Same thing happened to me in w2z3 in Tribulation mode at the part you need to play the flute for the one shop. I’m absolutely furious as I was so far into the zone and got kicked, and I don’t want to play through that again.

SAB Moto continue room bugged, can't use coin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ray Koopa.2354

Ray Koopa.2354

Just had a very similar issue.
I was “gulped” all around with continuing sounds of some frog sucking me up, my camera just shook and I was thrown all around in the continue room. Luckily that also restarted the countdown.
Then, after some time, the gulping stopped, but I was too far away from Moto in that room to talk to him.
A few seconds later I could suddenly walk (“in air”) to him and continue.
However, doing so fixed my game, but crashed right at that moment another player in my party. Was at around 12:05 GMT today (5th April), not sure if he sent a bug report from his side at least with the Mac Beta (I’m using the 64-bit Windows client).
All in 2-2 trib near the end, very fun :P Please fix that…

(edited by Ray Koopa.2354)

SAB Moto continue room bugged, can't use coin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ray Koopa.2354

Ray Koopa.2354

Okay, it just happened again in a single player instance in 2-3 trib. I got warped around all over, from the spot in front of Moto to another random spot in the world multiple times a second, just like every 10th frame.
I could only fix it this time by switching from fullscreen to windowed (!), like, giving the game a second to “think” while I was switching the graphics modes. Then my character stopped warping, ending up in front of Moto and I could talk to him.
A weird side effect is that the music is now gone in the level and my character does vocal jump / attack / whatever sounds, and the explodable barrels no longer explode and kill me, but I couldn’t care less Music restarted near the next zone.

(edited by Ray Koopa.2354)

SAB Moto continue room bugged, can't use coin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: thefinnster.6904


just had this happen to me QQ warped to the corner of the room no option to use continue coin GG anet