SAB bug collection

SAB bug collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tarasicodissa.7084


New year, many changes to game engine and obviously many new bugs. ^^
Here’s what I’ve came across so far:

1) Bugged ice physics
Known bug, already has been reported on reddit and also this thread. Has been acknowledged by Mike Zadorojny and Anet is supposedly working on a fix.
As of now I am not sure how to reliably reproduce it. It seems to happen randomly when you’re pressing directional buttons while on ice. Your character sometimes gets a HUGE velocity boost, which makes navigating ice fields extremely hard (even harder than normally, since they’re supposed to be tricky in the first place).

Edit: Slow walking (action you can bind in-game) seems to serve as a work-around for this. I haven’t tried that personally though.

2) Bugged mob behavior
Haven’t seen this one officially reported anywhere, but some people confirmed to me they’re also experiencing this. When fighting enemies, in addition to their standard attacks, which are clearly telegraphed, you also get hit randomly by “ghost attacks”, which are not telegraphed at all and extremely hard to avoid. This is most definitely a bug, since it didn’t use to happen last year.

3) Fish revolting
This might possibly be a feature, but since it didn’t use to happen last year, I would assume it’s bugged and unintended behavior. If it is intended, feel free to disregard this bugreport, but please let people know this is in fact intended behavior.
While you’re holding a fish (mechanic prominent in w2z2 AKA Pain Cliffs), it will sometimes (it’s seemingly random, but might be dependent on some kind of timer) revolt and drop out of your hands. If you’re standing on land, the fish will appear in front of you, allowing you to hit it and pick back up. If you’re mid-air (e.g. when you jump on a trampoline), the fish will disappear completely. You can work around this by dropping the fish intentionally and picking it back every now and then.

None of these bugs prevent progression, but they are mildly annoying at the very least, so a fix would be hugely appreciated. Also, they don’t seem to be tribulation mode features (tribulation mode being unfair and punishing by nature), since they happen on normal mode as well (infantile mode too probably, though I haven’t tested that).
If you’ve encountered any other SAB related bugs not listed here, feel free to add them.

(Edit: found/remembered 2 more)
4) Terrain clip
There might possibly be more terrain clips, but the most prominent one seems to be in the area around 1st octopus you meet in w2z2, as explained in the comment below. The checkpoint right past this area seems to have a rather strange behavior (I attribute this to the 2 red planks above it), so activating it might sometimes result in you clipping into the small area under it. There’s no way to walk (or jump) out, since the area is blocked off by an invisible wall. If you have control over your character, you can use your shovel to dig up (it might take more tries) a hostile bunny that will kill you and let you respawn on a checkpoint. If you however don’t own a shovel, or you clip in a way that you cannot control your character (you get stuck mid-air), the only solution is leaving the zone and losing your progress.

5) Moto out of range after running out of lives
As explained in this thread and this thread, you might spawn too far away from Moto in the “pit and the pendulum” area after running out of lives. As far as I know, this will result in you being kicked from the area and thus losing your progress in the given zone. I would guess this has something to do with the way your character dies before being teleported there, but that’s just a wild guess, I really haven’t been able to reproduce it reliably.

(edited by Tarasicodissa.7084)

SAB bug collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Charrbeque.8729


Tribulation mode, world 2 zone 2:
At the checkpoint right before shortcut eagle, where you have to feed the fish to the octopus to lower the thing so you can get to the checkpoint. I hopped over the little wall and landed right on the checkpoint button, but instead of bouncing me up into the air, it bounced me down, straight through the floor. I wound up right under the checkpoint with no way out. I had to go back to the hub and start the whole thing over.

Note: the open space on the right in the screenshot is an invisible blockade. I’m actually inside the wall right under the checkpoint.

Edit: Just realized I probably could have just used my shovel to dig up a bunny and let it kill me. Too late now since I already went back to the hub. :P


There’s something charming about rangers.

(edited by Charrbeque.8729)

SAB bug collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tarasicodissa.7084


@Charrbeque.8729: Yeah, now I remember this has actually happened to me too once. You’re right, shovel would have helped. Altough if this happens to someone who doesn’t own a shovel, the only fix would be going back to hub and losing all progress unfortunately.

SAB bug collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nebast.7631


The adventure dailies don’t complete if your not standing at the cage when the zone changes.
Only found out that this is what triggers it yesterday.

SAB bug collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TRJB.7892


In World 2 Zone 1, the music that plays when you first enter the instance is incorrect (it plays the music that is supposed to play when you enter the “river-rafting” section).

The music only returns to the regular “hillbilly” theme after finishing the river-rafting section.

SAB bug collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Charrbeque.8729


Tribulation mode, world 2 zone 2:
At the checkpoint right before shortcut eagle, where you have to feed the fish to the octopus to lower the thing so you can get to the checkpoint. I hopped over the little wall and landed right on the checkpoint button, but instead of bouncing me up into the air, it bounced me down, straight through the floor. I wound up right under the checkpoint with no way out. I had to go back to the hub and start the whole thing over.

Note: the open space on the right in the screenshot is an invisible blockade. I’m actually inside the wall right under the checkpoint.

Edit: Just realized I probably could have just used my shovel to dig up a bunny and let it kill me. Too late now since I already went back to the hub. :P

Sorry I haven’t got around to mentioning this.

What happens at that checkpoint is when you step on the button to activate it, you’re pushed straight through the short red wall in front of the button back onto the gold scale you needed to lower to get up there. What must have happened was I was standing at the wrong angle or something and when it went to push me through the red wall, I glitched and wound up underneath the checkpoint inside the environment. This seems to happen no matter what difficulty mode you’re playing on.

You can see it here in Dulfy’s video guide for Tribulation mode. When stepping on the button, Dulfy is shoved through the little red wall onto the gold platform.

There’s something charming about rangers.