Sabotage Fort Evennia cannot be progressed

Sabotage Fort Evennia cannot be progressed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Caerbannog.7138



the story step “Sabotage Fort Evennia” cannot be progressed. I get disguise, and nothing else happens. i’ve included screenshots. i get disguise, Story Marker doesn’t move. i go into fort evennia, Story Marker doesn’t move. i log out and in again, Story Marker doesn’t move. i exit the story in story journal and restart it, Story Marker doesn’t move. i complain on forum, Story Marker doesn’t move.

kitten regards,

(edited by Caerbannog.7138)

Sabotage Fort Evennia cannot be progressed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dara Potocska

Dara Potocska

QA Embed


Hey Caer,

Did you get disconnected during the part where you were asked to speak with the Examplar? (We’re looking into an issue that if someone logs/disconnects while an NPC for the story is talking that the story step becomes stuck).

Also, as a work around for this bug while we look into it – if you log in and out to character select this may fix the step.

If it does not, you will want to:

  1. Go into your story journal and select “Quit This Episode”
  2. Select any other episode (or your personal story) you may have unlocked and hit “Play Episode”.
  3. Go back to Episode 4 and select “Play Episode”.

This will reset the “chapter” for Sabotage Fort Evennia to the first step and you will be able to try this again.


Sabotage Fort Evennia cannot be progressed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Caerbannog.7138


SOLVED: I quit the story episode, started a different one, quit that, and restarted the current story episode.

How to replicate problem: disconnect, change overflow, go to character select during the dialogue with NPC. Doing any of this will stall the mission.

Sabotage Fort Evennia cannot be progressed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Klavor.5678


I am having the exact same issue as this. I wonder if the issue is that we did the heart quest before getting to the story step because a lot of the dialogue makes it sound like we are supposed to do the heart quest stuff at this point.

Sabotage Fort Evennia cannot be progressed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Caerbannog.7138


hallo Dara,

your solution worked. my mistake was not starting a different story to quit. it seems you’re aware of what causes the problem so good luck with that, and thanks a bunch for helping.

Sabotage Fort Evennia cannot be progressed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dara Potocska


Dara Potocska

QA Embed

I’m glad to hear it worked! We saw some reports early this morning and are working to get it fixed. I don’t think we’ll have something for you next hotfix, but we’re working on it. Thank you guys for the confirmations and reports of the issue! It helps to have multiple reports. =D

Have fun with the release!

Sabotage Fort Evennia cannot be progressed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RudezAwakening.7856


Hi, I was having a similar issue, however I decided to try to make progress regardless. After disconnecting, I came back and decided the mission was probably bugged, but just required you to complete the heart, and you would progress to the next part. However, after completing then heart and then fixing the problem (in that order) I have found it currently impossible to complete the mission. I already rescued the soldiers and stole the battle plans required for mission progress. Is my only option to wait until server reset for these assets to respawn, or is there an alternate fix?\


Sabotage Fort Evennia cannot be progressed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Caerbannog.7138


for what it’s worth, I completed the heart before all this bug thing went on. and after I fixed the story step, it didn’t matter I had completed the heart, I still could finish the story step.

Sabotage Fort Evennia cannot be progressed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RudezAwakening.7856


Yea they actually just respawned for me and I was able to complete it. I had “used” all of my prisoners already and there were none left, maybe they just had about a 15-20 minute cooldown to respawn, instead of my assumed server reset time. Thankyou though!

Sabotage Fort Evennia cannot be progressed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Novuake.2691


Same issue, quitting, starting a random other story and restarting didn’t work. >_<

And yes I did DC while talking to her.

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU

(edited by Novuake.2691)