Salvage rates

Salvage rates

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Posted by: Mystic.5934


My Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic seems to have a 80+% chance of recovering the upgrade. Only tested with masterwork, and I haven’t done any scientific testing yet, but from the couple dozen masterworks I just salvaged I got more than 20 minor sigils.
Science to follow!

Salvage rates

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Posted by: Mystic.5934


40 masterwork armors, all with minor runes
salvaging with Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic
I now have 29 minor runes
so the rate is about 72.5% guess I was a bit off before. Still a long way from the 20% advertised.

Salvage rates

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Posted by: Yamagawa.5941

(ew, that’s a huge link, hope it works — it takes you to a binomial probability calculater pre-loaded with your data)
Given your sample, that yields a rate that has a 95% chance of being between 55.86% anmd 84.86% It sure looks like the rate isn’t as advertized, but it may only be around double. Or the Random Number Gods may have been rewarding you for something… dunno.
//Portable Corpse

Salvage rates

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Posted by: Kurppa.9473


Chance is definitely more than it should! I’m drowning to all minor sigils/runes. I really hope this is gonna get fixed. I would be even more happy if they gave it 0% chance to recover upgrades.

Salvage rates

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Posted by: Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Chance is definitely more than it should! I’m drowning to all minor sigils/runes. I really hope this is gonna get fixed. I would be even more happy if they gave it 0% chance to recover upgrades.

So you’re saying you want them to fix it so that you make less money from salvaging?

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Salvage rates

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Posted by: Kurppa.9473


Chance is definitely more than it should! I’m drowning to all minor sigils/runes. I really hope this is gonna get fixed. I would be even more happy if they gave it 0% chance to recover upgrades.

So you’re saying you want them to fix it so that you make less money from salvaging?

Minor sigils/runes are worth 16 copper. I’d rather take nothing than having to throw all those away.

Salvage rates

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Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Throw them away? If you have that many, then you have that many times 16. I put all mine in the mystic forge. Just a suggestion, of course.

Salvage rates

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Posted by: Dehuang.2053


I saw the changes too, but I don’t understand why someone would complain for something that is more rewarding that it should lol…
be creative, throw them in the forge or stop crafting mystic salvage kits.

Salvage rates

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Posted by: Kurppa.9473


Omg read the post ppl, we are talking about Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic here. The only thing i want from blue/green items are luck and mats and in www this kit used to be easy method to empty backpack. But now when my invetory is full of greens and we are already running to next figth, all those green items just get replaced by stupid sigils which are worth absolutely nothing.

Salvage rates

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Posted by: Saucermote.9140


I’m seeing this too. I don’t know if it affects anything higher than masterwork, as those don’t get stuck in here, but I’m certainly getting a lot of sigils out of these things.

You don’t win friends with Salad.

Salvage rates

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Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Well, I seem to get lots of sigils no matter which kit I use, so I’m not sure it has anything to do with the Salvage-o-Matic.

Salvage rates

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Posted by: Finaldeath.1059


I don’t think this is a salvage-o-matic thing itself, i mostly just use those mystic forge salvage kits and recently i have been getting the sigils almost every time while before i almost never got them. Also get them more often on my lower lvl characters with basic kits. Sadly this only seems to happen with greens, still rarely if ever get them on rares.

Salvage rates

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Posted by: Mystic.5934


Mystic Salvage Kit should have a 80% chance of getting the socket, so that is pretty close to almost every time.
I agree with most people here: this many minor sigils is more annoying than preferred.
sure, it is extra coin. but the time required to sell them combined with time used to sell junk in your bags more often is just annoying for how much you get. 16c adds up, but if your bags are full of them, that’s only 16s – you could do a world event and get 30s item + more in the time it takes to sell those. it’s longer to destroy them.

Salvage rates

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Posted by: jazzllanna.1278


Well I for 1 hope it is intentional and stays.

Salvage rates

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Posted by: Wanze.8410


I salvage between 50-100 rares per day and started using my salvage-o-matic instead of master kits since thursday for them.

Seems to have the same droprate for ectos/major upgrades as master salvage kit.

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