Salvaging is still crashing the game

Salvaging is still crashing the game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: McJAC.4739


I mentioned it here couple of months back but all I got was a dev response if I have sent a crash report (yes dozens of times).

So if you have full inventory and you want to salvage everything, you are risking a crash. It is not very likely since you will be salvaging maybe less than 100 items, but it is there. Where it is really an obvious problme is when you buy items to salvage from the TP. You have way more than hundred of items (possibly thousands) and you just try to salvage it as fast as possible. However, more often than not at one point your game will crash….doesn’t matter if you have salvaged 10 or 500 items it will happens randomly.

As someone pointed out before it might have something to do with the list of items that is shown to you above your minimap when you loot them. When you loot from the TP you will get 100 items at the same time + you will get many items from salvaging in fast succession. The list of items above your minimap tends to get stuck more often than not and I guess at that point you are risking that your game will crash.

Anyways this problem has been in the game for close to half a year now. It suddenly started happening after some update way back then.

I’m not sure if ANet is aware of this because in my last topic I’ve never got subsequent response to me replying to a dev that I have sent crash reports many times usually with the text: “Salvaging is crashing the game….”.

I know more people have this problem but I’m not sure if it depends on the hardware people are using (to me it happens on my desktop and also on my notebook). Maybe there are people that have never experienced this problem. But as I have said it usually happens wheny you loot tons of items and salvage them right after so people without 160 slots in their inventory are less likely to have this problem, also people who don’t salvage many items at the same time might have been free from this problem.

I would say that if you salvage 500+ items every day from the TP you can (or I can) replicate this crash probably at minimum 2/3 times (although I feel it is more like 9/10 but I don’t write it down).

Salvaging is still crashing the game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bomber.3872


I think I know what crashs you mean, but that happens since release. I thought that might be another bot prevention system.

For example if you open bags fast enough, it seems that it stucks for some seconds after a a certain amount opened/min. I think a lot of people encounter that sometimes (because we still have no “open all” function but get xxxx+ loot bags all the time…).

I saw only two ways a crash happens while salvaging large amounts of items. First one is, if you have full inventory and the result of the salvaged item opens in one of these “popup” windows. If you just salvage more and more there will come a point the game crashs.
Second thing I saw one time, was from a person using a script to salvage ~100+ items in around 5-10 seconds and there gw2 crashed.

In my opinion both ways for crashs are kind of an intended anti botting system, because noone can salvage manually that fast.
And I personally think thats a good way how it is, because no player reaches this “maximum” for a crash, but every automation for salvaging items will get stuck/break through it. So even if it’s not intended, I hope that anet won’t “fix” here anything.

PS: The solution is obviously to salvage manually ~50-100 items and then take 1-2 min. break doing something else^^

IGN: Euer Verderben
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!

(edited by Bomber.3872)

Salvaging is still crashing the game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I can’t imagine that ANet would deliberately code to cause a game to crash, for any reason. All the other anti-bot, anti-cheating systems are seamless: time gates, diminishing returns, chat/mail spam throttling, TP transaction throttling, etc.

GW1 also had a problem with crashing when salvaging too quickly. I don’t remember if it got resolved, but (as I recall it) one of the devs described why it was slow to fix:

  • Narrow impact: it only affects a tiny fraction of players.
  • Narrow scope: it doesn’t affect all salvaging, only a particular method.
  • Difficult to reproduce: it doesn’t always happen and seems to depend on the installation and technical features of the relevant computer system (e.g. I’ve never had it happen on my computer, only on my laptop).

I agree with the OP that it should be addressed. Still, I agree with ANet that it doesn’t need to be prioritized over other fixes or addition of features. At least, not unless it starts affecting more people more often.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Salvaging is still crashing the game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xavr.7943


I crash when opening champion bags and any sort of loot bag now. I think the issue is the same.

Salvaging is still crashing the game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sammie.2651


I crash 99 % of time when using a one click macro to mass open bags, but now it seems that I’m crashing even when opening by manually clicking. I think this is part of the same problem.

Salvaging is still crashing the game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Issue noted on my own account as well. ):

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Salvaging is still crashing the game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: McJAC.4739


I think I know what crashs you mean, but that happens since release. I thought that might be another bot prevention system.

For example if you open bags fast enough, it seems that it stucks for some seconds after a a certain amount opened/min. I think a lot of people encounter that sometimes (because we still have no “open all” function but get xxxx+ loot bags all the time…).

I saw only two ways a crash happens while salvaging large amounts of items. First one is, if you have full inventory and the result of the salvaged item opens in one of these “popup” windows. If you just salvage more and more there will come a point the game crashs.
Second thing I saw one time, was from a person using a script to salvage ~100+ items in around 5-10 seconds and there gw2 crashed.

In my opinion both ways for crashs are kind of an intended anti botting system, because noone can salvage manually that fast.
And I personally think thats a good way how it is, because no player reaches this “maximum” for a crash, but every automation for salvaging items will get stuck/break through it. So even if it’s not intended, I hope that anet won’t “fix” here anything.

PS: The solution is obviously to salvage manually ~50-100 items and then take 1-2 min. break doing something else^^

Wow it is not nice to assume such things.

I don’t do any of those things you have described. I’ve been salvaging tons of items for almost year and a half and this problem started to occur 4-6 months back. I have been able to replicate this problem on 2 computers and it was not happening on either of those computers before.

If you want to try to replicate this then here is a guide to what I’m doing:

I put up buy orders and come back the next day with hundreds or thousands of items (if I’m lucky). I click everything manually. I don’t know how I would automate this with a macro because new stacks of materals and luck get created every now and then and you have to move your mouse to a new spot in you inventory…something I think macro couldn’t do. Or maybe I just don’t know…I’m not good at this stuff.

From my experience if you have full inventory and that pop up window with unlooted items pops up (you get more materials from salvaging than there is space in your inventory), it won’t let you salvage anything else until you deal with that pop-up window. So I’m not sure how that can crash the game.