Sanctum Sprint still broken with high latency

Sanctum Sprint still broken with high latency

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JaxomNC.5381


Aroud 1 year ago I made this post on how Sanctum Sprint was not fun to play any more for people with high latency.

Yesterday Sanctum Sprint was the activity for the daily activity achievement so it was yet another opportunity to remember that Lightning Pull and Ligtning Tether are still completely broken. The jerky animation and rubber banding when I use Light Dash or pass waterfalls is also real. None of these existed when the activity was introduced back in 2013 or when the festival came back at the end of Living Season 1 in 2014 . All the issues with Sanctum Sprint start occurring after an update to the game near the end of 2014.

Note : on this attempt I was very lucky to actually manage to pass the fist chasm as usually I get stuck there for the remainder of the entire race. Also I have no clue how I managed to reach the platform on the 2nd chasm. Unfortunately I screwed up just after

Please, please, help that Charr have fun again!

Bonus : meanwhile, in Dry Top…

This often makes entering the map with a new character for the very first time a very frustrating and annoying experience.

Sanctum Sprint still broken with high latency

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


Ohh that kitten point…. ;( You were more persistent than me. I went to try it yesterday and after the third attempt I just sat there waiting for the race to finish. I started the race as 3rd but I couldn’t reach the end….

Wth is that Tethering thing supposed to be? Isn’t it supposed to help us to aim for where we must land, then wth can’t we be put on top of it?!? There are several other similar mechanics in game that works well but this kitten skill seems to be broken for that whole time now.

It was kind of bugged since beginning but it was manageable until the Festival of Four Winds or even when Dry Top was released. Now I have even forgotten when was the last time I could see the shinny chest at the end of that race (long long time ago…) :/

Please, do something with this kitten skill!!! (by the way, I have even sent an in-game bug report with a screenshot while sitting there, and took the screenshot at the right moment which another player were falling off by being overshot… Too bad it didn’t save in my screenshots but devs have received it at least…)

Sanctum Sprint still broken with high latency

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sariel V.7024

Sariel V.7024

For a while, the skill was actually working for me. Last time I played though, Lightning Pull was undershooting the jumps.