Second Death on Warrior's Vengeance

Second Death on Warrior's Vengeance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jere.3721


The warrior’s skill “Vengeance” that allows a player to “Rally and fight normally for a brief time. When the rally ends, you are defeated”, kills the player a 2nd time after respawning if he or she has died before the skill wears off. Essentially its making the warrior pay again for using the waypoint a second time, plus additional damage to armor I believe.

Second Death on Warrior's Vengeance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: clarkcd.6532


The workaround I use is to wait for the Vengeance buff to wear off. The way you can tell is your dead body will stop glowing orange. Once it wears off you can res normally. You would think that like most buffs it would end on death.

Second Death on Warrior's Vengeance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: deandransteel.7568


D’oh! At least it’s a simple fix; hopefully will get sorted in the next update.

Second Death on Warrior's Vengeance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JJohnson.2603


I have this exact same problem, but had no idea what was causing it. Everyonce in a while after dieing and then waypointing back i die immedietly. It is very frustrsting. Thanks for posting a way around this, but hopefully they will fix this eventually.