Second utility slot bug and level 15 reward?

Second utility slot bug and level 15 reward?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nasias.3976


Hello. I’m quite new to the game, currently being level 18. I’ve only recently obtained my second utility slot, and since the patch, it’s broken.

The utility slot is usable in every way, except for when I want to change the ability that’s in there. If I click the small arrow at the top, I get the small window where I can choose a new ability to use in slot 2, but when I select one of the abilities, the window closes and the ability that was there before, stays there. I can force it to swap by chosing an ability in slot 1, then changing slot 1 to the same ability that’s in slot 2, and they both swap places, but that’s the only way for it to work right now. Other people around my level that I asked have the same problem too.

Also, just before the patch, myself and my fiancée were level 14 and doing our character stories, when the server went down for maintenance whilst we were in the middle of chosing our quest rewards. When we logged back in, we were both level 15, and I had the quest reward that I’d selected (but didn’t actually click the button to complete the quest before the server went down), in my bag, but my fiancée had nothing. The quest is flagged as complete, though. The odd thing then though, is she was given a special reward for achieving level 15 (which she got by clicking a small icon over the mini-map that appeared when she logged in), and had a choice of 3 different weapons and a few other goodies given to her, whilst I didn’t have anything. She’s playing a Necro, I’m playing a Guardian. Is this one a bug, or intended?

Ps: Sorry for the mahoosive wall of text.

Second utility slot bug and level 15 reward?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Skizzy Strike.2189

Skizzy Strike.2189

Clever way to fix your utility-skill in slot 2 (skill 8 ) !! =]
As for the second part, it seems you completed the storyquest regularly in “the old way”, whereas your fiancé completed it in the new style.
Maybe you already had a quest reward selected and she did not, which could have caused the difference you noticed when the patching was done..

Second utility slot bug and level 15 reward?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Thanks for the workaround! I’m having the same issue with the second/third utility skills in my level 23 engineer

Second utility slot bug and level 15 reward?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nasias.3976


Thanks for the workaround! I’m having the same issue with the second/third utility skills in my level 23 engineer

Oh that’s okay! It was my fiancée who discovered it, and told me about it in the first place xD

Second utility slot bug and level 15 reward?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LensFuuma.7208


same with mine.

hope they resolve this utility skill slot bug

Second utility slot bug and level 15 reward?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: eekzie.5640


This is not a ’’bug’’, but it’s merely an issue caused by the transitioning to the new levels needed to unlock these slots.

They are level 13 / 24 / 35.
Before those levels, you’re not supposed to have them unlocked and therefor you can’t switch them.

As far as the rewards, I have no idea.