Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: sans Gospel.7503

sans Gospel.7503

Title. Cleared through Sector Zuhl tonight solo and got to the end to find a [Group Event], which it turns out I was a bad enough dude to solo. Afterwards, the chest off to the side animated as if opening (pretty cool nod to Borderlands, assuming that’s an intentional reference) but unfortunately I could not interact with it and received no loot for my trouble. Not a huge deal, as I found the challenge of soloing the [Group Event] rewarding in itself, but I imagine others will be disappointed.

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: Godunderscor.1086


Can confirm it didn’t open. Just finished it. ZUUUUUUUHLL!!

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: Tigress Dragonblade.3296

Tigress Dragonblade.3296

I was there one time and solo’d the group event boss. I never did find the chest and the boss respawned about 15 seconds later.

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: Maacbeyr.7013


Happened to me as well. Even though it was easy to solo, the boss was a really boring fight, literally all I did was run around in circles hitting it for 15 minutes. If you’re going to do this in the future, make sure to bring some friends to make the kill go faster, he has a ton of hp.

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: Bluestone.7106


This just happened to me. Did the jumping, got the achievement, soloed the Giant Destroyer Troll. Chest animated but it cannot be ‘searched’ or looted (or interacted with in any way)

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Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: StarsLife.7320


Can confirm this. Solo’d and saw the chest but I wasn’t able to interact with it.

Maybe it’s a Ghostbusters joke! There is no Dana, only Zuul….

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: Eirikr.4198


same here. i did it with a 5 mn group. nice chest animation but no loot

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: kazimir.9025


Cleared it today and there wasn’t even a chest!

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: graehl.3052


Cleared, solo, unable to interact with the chest.

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: Old Spice.1264

Old Spice.1264

I also just finished this jump puzzle and completed the boss solo and there was a chest that animated and opened but there was no loot. It was unlootable. I submitted bug report with picture

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: Kiraki.9761


Had exactly the same thing happen to me, even killed the boss twice just to be sure but was still impossible to interact with the chest.

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: Corpdecker.3819


Verified here as well, killed the Great Destroyer Troll, chest opened, could not interact with it, boss spawned about 20 seconds later. Logged off, came back about 30 mins later, another group started it up while I was afk, I came back and helped for the last 80% and could not interact with the chest but when I hit [F] it appeared to loot it, very odd.

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: rayhorakhty.3198


I actually made it all the way to the giant destroyer troll only to find him bugged out and invulnerable to all damage. He has this determined buff on him and he seems to get stuck easily when you engage with him. Very disappointing.

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: Khezekiah Bellamy.5016

Khezekiah Bellamy.5016

just spent a good chunk of time soloing the group event at the end of the only zuhl puzzle, just to not get a chest. in every video i have watched on this puzzle no one else has gotten to use the chest either. cool reference though. just needs to be fixed

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: Y u mad its vydia.6324

Y u mad its vydia.6324

I have also found the chest to be already opened. This happens in many other jumping puzzles, or areas with Splendid Chests. There are multiple threads about this issue. I hope it gets fixed.

Malaakh. [EU] Desolation.

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: Firebird Gomer.9563

Firebird Gomer.9563

Yep I just Finished the Jumping Puzzle portion and killed the Giant Destroyer Troll twice only to have it not give me a chest…..

Love the Ghostbusters Reference tho……

Please continue to do real world references like you did in GW’s 1….

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: Khezekiah Bellamy.5016

Khezekiah Bellamy.5016

ghost busters? that was a boarderlands chest

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: Firebird Gomer.9563

Firebird Gomer.9563

No the name of the area is based off the First Ghostbusters villan who ended up being the Stay-Puff Marshmellow Man

(edited by Firebird Gomer.9563)

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: Guattanator.1524


There is no chest… Only Zuhl!

But seriously, the broken chest bugs need to be fixed.

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: Sarisa.4731


There is also a “griefing” issue in here, as the veteran and champion mobs are triggered by a “tripwire” type effect, and can be immediately triggered after they are killed.

Lille of the Valley [WHIP]

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: Tigress Dragonblade.3296

Tigress Dragonblade.3296

Yeah, the only time I did Only Zuhl and solo’d the destroyer boss (using my pet to keep it from melee-ing me) there was no chest after I killed it. When I started wandering around looking for the non-existent chest I somehow spawned the boss again, after which I was like “kitten this, I’m outta here”

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: ChrisP.4386


I actually made it all the way to the giant destroyer troll only to find him bugged out and invulnerable to all damage. He has this determined buff on him and he seems to get stuck easily when you engage with him. Very disappointing.

I posted this on another similar thread…same issue. Determined buff and taking no damage. Finally gave up and left.

Terryn Deathward
Footsteps of War [FoW]
Yak’s Bend

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: SylverFoxx.5914


Just murdered the giant destroyer troll (boring fight) and there was no chest opening animation, however I was able to loot it. And inside there was 2 white named weapons. Nothing more than salvage scrap, so dissapointed.

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: Iruwen.3164


I can confirm the chest opens, but the loot really was disappointing considering you have to go through a JP first and probably have to solo the troll in a long boring fight. Also got two white items. Bad luck probably.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

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Posted by: Caitelady.6927


I had the problem where the Destroyer Troll was Invulnerable to all my attacks. Which really sucks after going through all that.