Selling Wrong Item on TP When Right-Clicking

Selling Wrong Item on TP When Right-Clicking

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


If you right click an item from inventory and say “sell on trading post” and then switch to another item (in the tp screen) and sell that item instead, you will instead sell the item you initially clicked for whatever you sold the second item for.

In my case, I right-clicked a lovestruck focus, but ended up trying to sell a keeper’s recipe for 20g. Due to the bug I ended up selling the lovestruck focus for 20g. The fact that you can sell under the highest buy order without compensation (highest buy order for lovestruck focus was 60g) amplifies the negative effects of the bug.

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Selling Wrong Item on TP When Right-Clicking

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Halcyon.7352


I have this happen quite often too. Most of the time I catch it, as something seems off with the quantity of the item or such.

But I’ve listed three items now at horrendously off prices. I now let everything load first before navigating, and recheck quantities and prices before I list. It’s a little silly that I have to, because the UI somehow winds up mixing items up…

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!

Selling Wrong Item on TP When Right-Clicking

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Halcyon.7352



I just sold a stack of MF food accidentally because of this bug, ugh.

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!

Selling Wrong Item on TP When Right-Clicking

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheBandit.7031


Yeah this happens to me sometimes. Usually only if I’ve been logged in for a long time though.

Selling Wrong Item on TP When Right-Clicking

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Haphaesta.6351


Yes, this just happened to me twice tonight. Posted Favor of the Bazaar and Favor of the Pavilion was posted in its place (a 5 silver item instead of the 12 gold item). Cost me over 60 silver in listing fees. Then a bit later I went to post a dagger at 16 silver and cloth gloves (market price: 3 silver) were posted instead. I think the issue is that right-clicking the item and selecting “Sell at Trading Post” opens in the “Trading Post” tab not the “Sell at Trading Post” tab.

I usually manually switch to the “Sell at Trading Post” tab and sort the items by price, but tonight I didn’t do that.

Selling Wrong Item on TP When Right-Clicking

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lunacy Solacio.6514

Lunacy Solacio.6514

It has been around for a long time but is more of a problem now, and I tried to make others aware of it beginning of the month. If you only sell by right click (I go so far as to close the window after I sell an item, and right click/sell on next one from inventory), you get around it. I dislike that sell window anyways so it’s a good excuse to not use it.

Selling Wrong Item on TP When Right-Clicking

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Navtyr.1654


THIS KEEPS ON HAPPENING, SELLING FOR RIDICULOUSLY LOW VALUE BECAUSE OF A BUG. caps is needed this time because dear god it’s been going on for far too long – FIX IT.

Selling Wrong Item on TP When Right-Clicking

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


I now let everything load first before navigating, and recheck quantities and prices before I list. It’s a little silly that I have to, because the UI somehow winds up mixing items up…

Yup, that’s what I do usually or I don’t even use “Sell on Trading Post” option at all.

I think the issue is that right-clicking the item and selecting “Sell at Trading Post” opens in the “Trading Post” tab not the “Sell at Trading Post” tab.

I usually manually switch to the “Sell at Trading Post” tab and sort the items by price, but tonight I didn’t do that.

I have noted it happening since late last year but not sure if it is what triggers the bug.

The fact is: when you right click an item and choose to sell it the TP window opens normally as if you had opened it via top bar, however some other parameter is passed to it telling it to auto-select an item.

What seems to happen is it needs the listing to load fully before it can select the item. Then in this case what happens is the player may go a littler faster than it and select another item before the system can do it itself. Since that action is pending to be done, the system then selects the item it was intended to select even though the player changed the selection.

What makes this bug worse is the recent change that allows an item to be sold under the highest buy order, what makes you sell it for the wrong price without any chances to delist it.