(edited by Wombatt.2546)
Sending through mail bug
I am the recipient in question. So far I am able to send but not receive any mail despite switching characters and even re logging. This incident also apparently is specific to me alone as I cannot receive any mail from multiple guildmates.
I am having the same problem. My roomate sent me a dye one day ago, still didn’t get it. Then a medium amount of money and it’s also lost in the ether. We did the “sending” together to make sure I am the chosen character to send to, and nothing… this is getting a bit frustrating since I have money loaned to some of my friends and I really need to get it back.
Maybe your mailboxes are full? Try to do a little cleanup and those mails might appear.
Same problem here! sent an item to a friend after he asked me to forge it, and nothing, just disappeared. any fix yet?