Seriously fix the TP's number input

Seriously fix the TP's number input

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DavyMcB.1603


Set buying number, price gets locked. Try to specified price on copper digit, silver digit changes instead. Click more than once or twice, price resets, have to reopen TP again…. and so on..

Seriously.. I just tried like 10 times just to buy t6 mats.

TP interface really really sucks.

Seriously fix the TP's number input

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shimmershine.3156


I have had a similar issue where i try to change the price on one of the three digits, but when i go to click on the section i want to change, it doesnt provide me with the blinking line. If i click more than once, it changes sometimes the whole price to 0. The only way i have found to work when this is happening is to hover the mouse over the digit box for a few seconds. It is rather time consuming when u either have a bunch of stuff to get rid of, or are tryin to empty inventory on the go (world bosses).

Seriously fix the TP's number input

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Changing the value when trying to buy/sell items is literally painful.

Seriously fix the TP's number input

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


Yeah, get rid of that crap autofocus thing please. It helps nothing. Who on Earth would be lazy enough to not click on the boxes? That autofocus feature is unneeded and causes more trouble than help. Also, as others stated before, there is the issue where clicking on a box triggers the arrow buttons of the box at left (clicking silver field changes gold value), that’s pretty annoying and can lead to fatal mistakes if one doesn’t pay full attention.

Oh btw, please bring back that low value limit. It sux having to put the exact value when you just want to sell for the lowest possible value. I know that way was buggy before, but it’s better than being allowed to put 0 in all fields.