Several bugs/issues with ranger.

Several bugs/issues with ranger.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: waimser.7298


Sick em does not work majority of the time. Possibly range
related. Please for the love of Grenth dont let this be an
intended function, it completely breaks what little chance there
is for your pet to chase down a target.

With Action camera on,
Hornets sting and monarchs leap seem to pick random directions
rather than the direction your camera is facing. Mostly it uses
the direction the character is facing at the time, which is
undesireable enough, but sometimes it seems completely random.
If this is not a bug and is an intended mechanic, we need an in depth explanation on how it works. As it stands, it makes sword completely un usable in pvp. Trying to use these skills in combo with about face for mobility now is a nightmare.

Across all my characters
Auto attack stops auto attacking. I cannot see any common factor
to when it stops. Occasionally it will stay active till the
enemy/player dies, but the majority of the time it stops after
1-5 attacks.
As ive said in posts before, my hands dont work very well, so lack of reliable auto attack makes the game borderline un playable for me.