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Posted by: boneshard.3405



So today I went to kill the Shatterer with other ppl on the map (server Seafarer’s Rest) and I got no reward whatsoever although i actually attacked the dragon and all that. I attached a photo to prove I was there :P



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Posted by: Sarisa.4731



Staff Elementalists in my guild complain about this boss and others like it quite often. They tend to be more support oriented, and don’t do a great deal of damage.

Supporting by combo fields, boons, non-damaging conditions, and healing all do not count. Controlling trash does not appear to count.

Right now, only pure DPS against the boss counts, and my guess is you need to do approximately 1% or so of the bosses health for it to count you.

With these popular big events, it can be quite difficult to do “enough” damage before the boss dies, just due to so many others with higher DPS.

Lille of the Valley [WHIP]


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Posted by: Paul.4081


I get this sometimes on other bosses. If I arrive late to an event type boss I’ll attack it but when it dies sometimes I get no reward. I think you have to do a certain amount of damage so you can’t show up late and slap it with a wand attack etc. to get the rewards.

(edited by Paul.4081)


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Posted by: Sethran.1298


THis happened to me aswell. It’s because your too low lvl. It’s a lvl 50 event yet your lvl 45 and you wont be doing enough damage. Try again at 49/50 and if yo udo enough damage you’ll get some loot.


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Posted by: AprilRain.7649


Like Sethran said, your level is too low to gain any kind of a reward from it.


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Posted by: boneshard.3405


well i am a warr and i did quite some dmg so prolly cause of my lvl me sad pony(( anyways thanks for the help :P


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Posted by: boneshard.3405


Tried this again and this time i got only bronze badge but it worked and i got rewards


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Posted by: StarFreeze.3812


Staff Elementalists in my guild complain about this boss and others like it quite often. They tend to be more support oriented, and don’t do a great deal of damage.

Supporting by combo fields, boons, non-damaging conditions, and healing all do not count. Controlling trash does not appear to count.

Right now, only pure DPS against the boss counts, and my guess is you need to do approximately 1% or so of the bosses health for it to count you.

With these popular big events, it can be quite difficult to do “enough” damage before the boss dies, just due to so many others with higher DPS.

Incorrect. I’ve a few times did no damage to world bosses/dragons and played only support (healing, killing trash, rezing NPCs) and have gotten gold. Same deal happens in WvWvW.

I doubt they would really want to force people towards a DPS fight in order to be rewarded.


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Posted by: Beast Sos.1457

Beast Sos.1457

What u have to do for this fight, and all fights similar such as tequatl, is to attack the mobs not the actual dragon ive tested this a few times and i got gold whenever i wouldnt bother with the dragon but bronze when i only targeted him.


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Posted by: Vizeroth.1295


If it is true that credit is based off of relative DPS, then it would appear that having too many well geared or higher level players is essentially preventing the new players from getting any reward. That seems contradictory to the game’s philosophy.

It seems odd that developers would design events to give credit based off of relative DPS and yet actively prevents players from being able to measure it. These hidden metrics make success and failure seem frustratingly random.


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Posted by: YzermanCpt.9375


THis happened to me aswell. It’s because your too low lvl. It’s a lvl 50 event yet your lvl 45 and you wont be doing enough damage. Try again at 49/50 and if yo udo enough damage you’ll get some loot.

This isn’t exactly true. It is a level 50 event, but the first time I did the event on my guardian, I was level 45 exactly and I got gold and loot from the chest.

EDIT: I should verify that by gold, I mean the gold medal and the rewards from it.

(edited by YzermanCpt.9375)