Shield size bug on Norn characters~

Shield size bug on Norn characters~

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ferik.3127


Ho, there,

So i would like to report this bug which happens with Norn characters that carries Braham’s shield which was a purchasable skin on Gem Store. Specifically, the shield is wrongly displayed to be very tiny in the character profile, whereas in the world it is displayed in its correct/normal size.

Attached is a screenshot to show the difference. As you can see on the left it is as its normal size in the game world, whereas on the right its size barely passes as a stone tablet in the character profile~~evidently a bug that needs squashing

edit: The same size error also happens on his mace if you look closely. This could be a mistake in the file that affects globally weapons sheathed on Norn characters, not just this set.

Hope you look into it ASAP. Be seeing ye~


Casual player of all races, classes and genders
Champion Slayer | sPvP Rank 90

(edited by Ferik.3127)

Shield size bug on Norn characters~

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dante.1763


Happens on Charr too, but i think this has been posted before~

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

Shield size bug on Norn characters~

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Red Queen.7915

Red Queen.7915

It’s a known bug. It happens with various weapons, mainhand or offhand, in the preview window and hero panel. Clearing the preview and then adding the weapon again will make it look normal for any preview purposes, and since it doesn’t affect gameplay, I suppose it’s not exactly high priority right now.

PSA: The amount of small felines serves as an indicator for just how angry I am at something.

Kaerleikur @ Elonaspitze