Ships of the Line: Cannot Progress

Ships of the Line: Cannot Progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ThetaJ.9038


You misunderstand, Zott just stopped swimming, he would not move forward and therefore could not revive Elli. I allowed myself to be killed, in the hope of resetting but he did not appear at the spawn point and when I swam to her, he still did not move.

The only thing which fixed this was restarting the whole thing.

This is exactly what happened to me just now…

Ships of the Line: Cannot Progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Quirah.6412


Can’t believe this is still bugged.

Ships of the Line: Cannot Progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Piczkens.3958


1st try – 3rd catapult not possible to destroy
2nd try – 3rd catapult not possible to destroy
3rd try – !!!2nd!!! catapult not possible to destroy
It wouldnt hurt that much if I didnt struggled with the same bug year ago…

Ships of the Line: Cannot Progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wynrotar.1396


4 years old
bug still valid
obviously devs dont care
people are still buying gems with $$$
this is pathetic customer service
no one should have to use a 4 year old bug report to use a PLAYER FOUND work around to complete a quest

(edited by Wynrotar.1396)

Ships of the Line: Cannot Progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sysinfo.1037


Zott won’t destroy the last trebuchet for me. At my second attempt I cleared the coast before letting him place the bombs. Same result. The quest marker remains on top of the last trebuchet, and Zott does nothing.

This is so bitter, especially when you consider Arena-Nets improvement of the “new player experience”. Am somewhat frustrated.

Maybe I’m just too dumb, but I can’t find a “personal story”-related bug report section anymore (ingame bug report system).

Have a nice one.

Edit: Another retry. Zott stops swimming on his way to Elli… Great…. Uninstalled…

(edited by sysinfo.1037)

Ships of the Line: Cannot Progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ColaBola.2674


I have a small problem because i do daily it does not give me achievements please help 21803 i already have so few days I’m not writing here because I’m looking and I can not find this topic

Ships of the Line: Cannot Progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sythe.8130


This quest is still bugged as Agent Zott stops just short of moving to Elli to resurrect her during the ‘Rescue the crew of the Windfall’ phase. Trying this on a secondary character and surprised that this main story quest is still bugged after so long.

Ships of the Line: Cannot Progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Trakarg.2095


Anet, fix this kitten already. God’s sake, it’s pathetic.

Ships of the Line: Cannot Progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AXEL.8362


Still bugged……………………….

Ships of the Line: Cannot Progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andrew Blake.5362

Andrew Blake.5362

This has to be the worst quest I’ve had to do in my entire life.
These bugs were reported over 4 years ago and I still encountered both of them today.
Just like the guy above said, it’s pathetic.