Sigils do not stack

Sigils do not stack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


I went ahead and tested to see whether or not permanent stat bonus sigils stack, and found they do not, contrary to what the wiki states. I tested Superior Sigil of Accuracy in the Heart of the Mists. With Runes, traits, an amulet, and a constant Fury (via “For Great Justice!” and Signet of Rage) I was able to get a 90% Critical Chance on the stats screen. Equipping two Sigils (one in a mace, one in an offhanded sword) I was able to note 10 non-criticals before stopping the test.

I’m not sure if they are suppose to stack, as the official wiki states they are, or if they are working as intended, so I am not sure if this is a bug or not.

A few notes: One sigil does infact work despite not showing a change on the Hero screen (I was able to get 95% Critical chance to test), the fact it does not show up on the Hero screen itself should be considered a bug.
The wiki does state that “Sigils that have a chance to trigger on critical hits stack their chance percentages multiplicatively, not additively,” it is possible that this affects the permanent stat bonus sigils as well, despite also stating that “non charging sigils can be stacked.”