(edited by Moderator)
Sign in to see money is gone? (NOT TP ISSUE)
Hi all,
I want to report a bug (or account hacking) that made disappear 60 silver from my inventory.
I never played on last 3 days, so the last log was on 2nd/september/12
I ask gamemasters if they can check the logs and see if someone traded or did something with my money.
Thanks all for the attention,
I wait an answer as soon as possible
My money disappeared too… They won’t answer us… It’s a trading post bug
Same here…Had 2g yesterday , logged on today to see i had 60 copper left.
It seems like it was a rollback or sth :o It crashed me today and I logged back having half of the area I just discovered fogged again. Of course Skill Challenge and loot from kills as well…
I lost most of my money as well.
I dont have enough to travel to a waypoint now.
It happened to all of my characters too. I’m not sure whats going on. How far could this rollback have been? I lost something like 4g on my main.
This is unacceptable. I had around 60s (ok not alot but i put in some hard work getting it)
This was 2 hours ago, servers crashed and now i just checked and im stuck with 2s.
They better fix this!!!
Trading post is back up and they still did not fix this…. WTF is this
This same thing happened to me. We had a thread earlier and they closed it and claimed it was a tp issue. I haven’t used the tp since sat or sun. Hopefully this is resolved soon.
:( Well i’d appreciate if staff could tell me themselves then if that’s the case.
Same thing happend to me yesterday. had around 60ish silver. Later i had 2s in my bags
Edit i did not use TP
A friend of mine had the same thing happen to him.
50s just disappeared from his inventory.
I’ve done some research now in several other threads and other GW2 forums and it seems this is a wide spread bug as so many other have had the same thing happend to them. Would be great is Arenanet could issue this subject as we are many now that have worked ourkitten off for this scrap gold and silvers we had.
So yesterday I had like alot of other players problem with the trading post.
I lost over 3gold, got 2gold back.
But that’s not the problem.
Today I log in and I got a mail from a player (Bobyjoe) that I don’t know saying “1”… I deleted this mail, seconds later I look into my Inventory and all my money that I had farm is gone… I had over 2gold!
I farmed this gold after the Trading Post problem.
Am I the only one?
(edited by mylo.2187)
I have the same problem, I ordered some items on the tp. One day later around 3 gold was removed from my inventory and I had nothing in my transaction log. So i didn´t get any items, but still lost 3 gold. Hope this issue will be fixed soon and people will get their money back.
Same thing. I’ve had this bug happen TWICE now. First time i lost 1 gold, second time i lost 2 gold.
What happens is you lose ONLY the GOLD, but not any SILVER or COPPER. It happened both times while i was checking the TP. I did not buy anything either time i was just price checking an item i made (12 slot steel boxes), and i close the post, and my gold is gone (not my silver or copper though). This bug is back breaking really because gold is so hard to get in this game.
For what it’s worth I’ve experienced loss of coins tonight. I don’t actually know how many, because it seemed like I was making money very slowly. I do know for a fact that I checked and I had over 40 silver at one point. I now have about 20. The only items I have purchased are a set of steel harvesting tools.
I used the TP earlier today, but haven’t in a number of hours.
Same problem here. Had 1 gold and 30 some silver. Logged out for the night (this happened this past Saturday) and came back on with only the silver. I thought the nice hacker thing too because I had 750 gems and all my stuff still. And other than to look to see if the TP was up, I’ve never used the TP since BWE3.
Please Arenanet! Adress this subject already? Im certain im not hacked, happend after servers crashed yesterday. Gandara…
I hope they give our money back …
Same here, i only noticed missing money though, around 40 silver lost.
What’s more interesting is that i logged on and off and my current money balance went from 1-2 silver to 3-4 silver. Still not close to what i had…
I have lost over a gold, as this has affected more than one of my characters. I looked on my Elementalist to give money to my Ranger, and she’d lost a full gold.
I am now really pretty upset, because I was going to use the money from this other character to fund my Ranger’s level 40 skill book buy.
I have no way of telling just how much money I have lost, but it represents the majority of my cash across eight characters. I am really unhappy because at this point I do not even know that if I play more I will get to keep the money I have.
And as a note, I am definitely not hacked. I have a 100% unique email address created for GW2, and a password that is extremely long, complicated, and unique. Plus I was PLAYING WHEN MONEY DISAPPEARED . . .
So yeah, not hacked, nasty bug, really screws people trying to just play the game. With how subtle it is I am not going to be shocked if people aren’t even noticing.
Also just noticed that my original character had 1s. this morning, down from 20ish.
Answer from the support team is that they don;t have the technology to reimburse players . . .
So, maybe the dev team needs to step in and fix it and them reimburse all of the people who were struck by the issue?
Same issue here, logged in tonight and notice I only have 18s left in my account, I was pretty sure I still had 1+ gold on my main this morning . Any help?
Same problem here, had 1.5 gold in my inv yesterday, i tried to sell some ‘small venom sacs’ on trading post to the highest buyer and saw only 4 s in my inv…
with in the end enough to travel 3 times to ascalon…
Took me all day long to grind the gold I needed for my skill book. I leveled 7 times . . .
Sure would be nice to actually see my money again.
Even nicer if I didn’t have to STARE AT IT to make sure it’s not going to disappear again.
I’ve been tracking how much currency I have now. I lost 3g and didn’t have enough silver to fast teavel.
I’d most of all like to know if it’s a bug or what happened.
This happend 2 times for me…
First time I lost 2Gold second time I lost 7,5Gold.
The craziest thing about this is that I got over 10 mails with different player names that I don’t know… all their messages were saying “1” nothing more.
I did a bug report and a ticket I hope I get an answer and my money back. :/
Same happen to me the other day. Had 1g6s, the next day 6s
Same issue just happened to me when I logged in. Hadn’t played in a day or so, but I logged off with over 80silver.
Came back on, standing in the same spot, with all my gear in tact and none of my inventory touched, but all of my money was gone. Had no bids on the TP or anything.
lost 51 silver, same spot last logged, didn’t play for a 15 hour period….wtf is going on?? is this a bug or a hack?? a official reply would be welcomed, cnt even afford to tele back alive.