I bought the replica job-o-tron several weeks ago and applied it on one character and saw a fair amount of chatter from it. I loved it so much that I transmuted it onto another character’s backpiece as well – but after playing the game for several hours, I realized that it hadn’t said a single word.
I have my dialogue volume on high, but haven’t heard anything, and neither has anyone around me. Nobody has even seen the text bubbles. I checked back on my other character and found that job-o-tron is boycotting speech on BOTH characters now. I’ve tried with the backpiece both hidden and shown, restarting the game, and re-equipping the backpieces, but nothing has made a difference.
Has anyone tried using job-o-tron on more than one character at a time and had it work? Is it just a random glitch specific to me or is this intended for some reason?