Now, there are not any game breaking bugs as far as I have seen in this play through, but I have noticed a few mistakes so far, may post more as I notice them.
1: Significant story characters like Vallus (your Gladium father for the charr.) despawn after they get knocked out like regular mobs, but they are still present in the rest of the story, but significant characters shouldn’t “officially die” in battles, even if temporary. also noticed this with Kurokahn(?) the Order of Whispers Charr Represenative.
2: Picked Euryale as the warband mate that survives and in the mission to steal inquest information on Rissa’s amulets with the order of Whispers, I talked to her and to close the conversation my character said “Reeva” and not “Euryale.” might need to fix that text.
3: Under the textile crafting, I was crafting the hunters chest armor which is level 25, and it is supposed to have power and precision but it has no stats aside from the armor and level.
This is a few things I noticed recently, small things, but I imagine most big issues have already been addressed or solved at this point, but if I notice any big bugs, I’ll go ahead and post more as I see them here.