Skill Point NPC Missing

Skill Point NPC Missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: layfon.6823


npc skill point is missing.. need fix


Skill Point NPC Missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Paladin.5268


Several NPC’s for skill challenges are missing across a large number of zones, and it has become very frustrating to wait for a server reset or for these issues to get coded in and fixed.

Defeat Warmaster Yulia in Vigilant Hills is gone, as usual. It seems like some of these NPC’s work for a very brief period of time and then the coding breaks somewhere. Players who have limited time and waiting on 1 or 2 broken skill challenges in several maps become frustrated and just stop trying to get map completions.

A handful of guild members have stopped logging in as they are tired of seeing a Dev post or patch notes state these issues are fixed when they are not, after a few weeks of these persistent issues. Unable to finish 100% map completion for others.

It would be great to have some level of In-Game Support like RIFT, in which GM’s were prompt in taking care of these outage issues by re-spawning the missing NPC’s. Now if Anet lacks the tools for their IGS team to do their job, then that is poor design on their part. CS plays a huge impact on any MMO. I really hope Anet takes a page from Trion (RIFT) and spends the money needed to give their IGS team the proper tools to get things done for their game in the near future.

Skill Point NPC Missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RUNCMD.5362


I agree that this has been pretty frustrating. Nothing like working your way through an entire zone —-- making sure you hit all the POIs, etc., only to be stifled by a missing NPC. Please fix!