Skill Point NPCs Missing
Good work…FYI these have been fixed:
Centurion Micka Thickblood at Ashford Forum…
Centurion Titus Gearclaw at Tela Range…
When will the following NPC’s be fixed?
Tocatl above the Eukaryan Caves…
Centurion Micka Thickblood at Ashford Forum…
Centurion Titus Gearclaw at Tela Range…
AMEN. This game seems broke. I report bugs in game and weeks later nothing has been done. S my D gw2 programmers. do something.
Maybe the programmers are playing WoW and refuse to do any work…
Maybe the programmers are playing WoW and refuse to do any work…
ahahaha, love it!
Well these haven’t been fixed in Far Shiverpeaks!