Skill Point at Wayfarer Foothills

Skill Point at Wayfarer Foothills

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Reina.3647


Skill Point at Darkriven Bluffs of Wayfarer Foothills

Server : Stormbluff Isle

I have completed the Skill Point for a few times already, but it still show that I haven’t complete it. That SkillPoint would regenerate after I kill it, it sound likes a infinite loop . Please have a check, thanks.

Skill Point at Wayfarer Foothills

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JayMack.8295


This skill point is slightly different than others, which catches people out.

After you have defeated the Svanir, you need to talk to him and read his text. You won’t get the skill point unless you do this. Make sure you get past the option, “What are the sons of Svanir?”