Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: gigawuts.7469


The SP gained for firing cannons at targets by the Stormbluff Beacon POI in Bloodtide Coast is bugged since the update today (maybe before?). Cannonballs explode right in front of the cannon every single time like there’s an invisible wall.

I’ve done this SP before so I know how it works, and it isn’t working at all. Cannonballs don’t hit anything anywhere on the hill, but there’s a large explosion in front of the cannons that I don’t remember last time I did this SP.

This makes world completion impossible until it’s fixed.

I was working on world completion in Bloodtide Coast on this character when the update went live, so I’m a bit frustrated and amused at the same time right now. If I have to switch characters at 82% world completion because of this…

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: blobfish.6712



The skillpoint at Stormbluff beacon isn’t working, the cannon balls instantly explodes

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Ruthless.6521


The cannons will not fire a shot, the cannonball will explode instantly on firing(charged shot or not), making the skill point un-completable.


Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: MichaelK.1257


I have this problem too. Everyone around last night had it too.

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Tenelen.7436


I’m hoping to hear a response regarding this issue, as I anxiously await an answer.

I have everything that I need for my legendary, Frostfang:

The only thing stopping me is Map Completion, which is bugged because of this skill point in Bloodtide Coast:

I’m really hoping that there is a way for this to be fixed soon, or for a GM to talk to me regarding this issue. I have put in multiple support tickets over the last week, and I have not heard anything about it.

It’s disappointing to not be able to hear what’s going on, when I’ve worked so hard for this and I just want to complete it.

(edited by Moderator)

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: BrosInBlood.7618


In Bloodtide Coast, the skill point in Stormbluff Beacon is bugged. I am supposed to fire a cannon to hit 3 targets, but the cannonballs explode instantly into an invisible wall. Because of that, I can’t complete the skill point.

I made a video about it :

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Xaviez.3042


Having the exact same issue, also while swimming in the water just outside the beacon I encountered an Inquest mob represented by only a swimming dagger, mob was still responsive, attacked me and I killed it.

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Keahi.3620


Yeah i’ve experienced this bug as well. Real bummer, after hearing about the changes to world completion i decided to finally %100 it knowing i wouldn’t have to wait on WvW anymore, but now i’m stuck waiting on a bugged skill point instead P: Ah well.
Hope it’s sorted out soon!

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: adieeeee.2816


BUMP, i also having same issue, hope dev able to sort it so that i can complete that map.

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Sladverr.1386


I can confirm that this is bugged. Just tried it for 10 minutes and to no avail.

No mercy for the weak. No pity for the dying. No tears for the slain.

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Rai.9807


Yep bugged, I posted one too so it can be noticed easier

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: FireDron.4627


I confirm it is still broken.

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: eisberg.2379


Skill Challenge in Bloodtide coast. Deputy Crackshot, where you have to shoot cannon at some targets to get the skill point. We no longer see the cannon ball shoot out and land somewhere, there is an explosion right at the cannon when we shoot though, this makes me believe that the cannon ball is actually never leaving the cannon and just exploding in the cannon.

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Eros.6801


This stupid bug ruining my map completion FIX IT !!!

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Ironbutrfly.1925


also confirmed. the skill point challenge is bugged. its all i need to complete map!!!!

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Zeata.6830


Yup, bugged, broken, whatever, doesn’t work

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Sgloomi.4103


Just to ask the imbecilically obvious … you are holding down the ‘fire’ key and letting it go at the required elevation, not just pressing it?

Simply pressing the button fires the cannon ball instantly, and obviously that’d go straight into the wall.

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Lyp Sao.1375

Lyp Sao.1375

Just to ask the imbecilically obvious … you are holding down the ‘fire’ key and letting it go at the required elevation, not just pressing it?

Simply pressing the button fires the cannon ball instantly, and obviously that’d go straight into the wall.

yeah, does not work. pressed button till the end of the bar or half way. explodes immediately.

Don’t fight the other ants
Fight the queens

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Kevin.2178


Definitely bugged. It doesn’t matter if you fire at 10%, 20%, 30%… 90%, it will explode immediately after it’s fired (looks like it hits an invisible wall). This bug is confirmed by A LOT of players, many are upset because they are unable to get the 100% map (including me). Type /bug ingame and report the bug, pls, I just hope they’ll fix it soon :-/

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Lyp Sao.1375

Lyp Sao.1375

… Type /bug ingame and report the bug, pls, I just hope they’ll fix it soon :-/

but people reported it in the bug forum. nobody reads?

Don’t fight the other ants
Fight the queens

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Starpest.8407


The cannon skill point at Stormbluff Beacon in Bloodtide Coast is broken. The cannons seem to explode as soon as they are launched. It’s also the last skill point I need


Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: adieeeee.2816


… Type /bug ingame and report the bug, pls, I just hope they’ll fix it soon :-/

but people reported it in the bug forum. nobody reads?

Sorry, Have to BUMP this thread to get attention. tq

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: WillSeekYou.7813


bump, need this sp to finish my legendary

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Heavan.7508


Same willseekyou i need this to finish my bifrost… :’(

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: jbera.6958


Can confirm, still bugged (NA)

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: berardje.4182


Cannons balls aren’t being shot and only an explosion happens at the cannon itself. Unable to get skill point. Still bugged.

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Heavan.7508


Can Confirm to, so many ppl qqing in map about this bug

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Gesten Nyotas.2193

Gesten Nyotas.2193

I had this problem as well for awhile. The cannon was exploding right agains the ground or castle edge, yet everyone else around was shooting off cannon balls left and right and getting the skill point in less then a minute.

I didn’t realize you have to hold the 2/fire button down and a power meter appears a few moments later. Again, there is a small gap of time between pressing and the power meter appearing. After that, the challenge went fine, things were being blown up, and the red thumbs down flags on the castle edge in front of the cannons turned into green thumbs up and a skill point was had.

Hope this helps.

—Gesten Nyotas.2193 of Yak’s Bend

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: annefurny.4395


I can confirm what Starpest and berardje are saying. While in some cases the problem lies in simple things as Gesten Nyotas here is saying, that isnt the case here..

Whenever i fire a cannon on this particullar skill challenge, any shot, charged or not, end up exploding 1 metre in front of the cannon as if its hitting the castle wall.

This is a bug that prohibits people form getting the map completion on Bloodtide Coast, and consequently world completion alltogether.

Not to mention that it has been like this forr DAYS. It should be brought to the attention of a gamemaster/admin/developer and escalated accordingly.
Silly little bug that irritates me to the point of questioning the fun of it all…

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Thundercatz.2937


I can confirm the same as annefurny, berardje and Starpest.
Gestern Nyotas comment just simply isnt the case here and should if possible be removed to avoid confusion.

Skill challenge uncompletable, world completion on halt. Terribly annoying after so many days to say the least!!!

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Hairyblue.6089


I just tried it too. It’s broken. Can’t see cannon ball, so can’t adjust aim.

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Vusion.4629


Cannon ball just blows up in your face, no matter how long you hold the fire button.

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: FireDron.4627


Confirm it’s still broken.

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: FireDron.4627


Still broken with latest patch.

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: adieeeee.2816


BUMP, still bugged

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: adieeeee.2816


BUMP, still bugged

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: agmmagm.6295


bump, still bugged and i need this sp for my legendary its blocking the progress

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372

Doctor Faustus.6372

very funny. still not fixed. just remove it from the map …

[vC] Doctor Faustus.6372

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Glukie.9102


Still not working properly… Please address this issue, before I break the cannon.

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: TheRandomGuy.7246


Haha this bug looks familiar. Same thing happens to turrets in thaumanova fractal.

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: reffe.5647


Yeah, have the same issue, it’s blocking my world completion on my alt warrior. Please fix this please Anet!

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: reffe.5647


Yeah, it’s bugged for me aswell, please Anet, do a hotfix for this issue, it’s blocking my world completion on my warrior

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: agmmagm.6295


BUMP.. REALLY STILL NOT FIXED 2days with a small fixed and not THIS ANET ARE YOU KIDDING US!! this is one of the biggest bug in the game now blocking our progress FIX THIS!!!!

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: agmmagm.6295


REALLY STILL NOT FIXED 2days with a small fixed and not THIS ANET ARE YOU KIDDING US!! this is one of the biggest bug in the game now blocking our progress FIX THIS!!!!

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Draco Azur.7298

Draco Azur.7298

Another day, another build.
Still not fixed.

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Heavan.7508


they kidding us

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: Draco Azur.7298

Draco Azur.7298

Don’t know what happened but this is the first time in 2 years I seen so much little bugs around. And this one is the first I found annoying (because my 99% world completition haha). Hope they fix it soon.

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: punkito.8710


Still bugged with latest patch (3/20/15 6pm central time)

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: WillSeekYou.7813


please fix this, last thing needed for my 100% completion.

Skill Point in Bloodtide Coast Not Working

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Posted by: adieeeee.2816


BUMP, still not fixed after 4th update