Skill activation doesn't seem to work every time (especially in WvW) - Lag or bug?

Skill activation doesn't seem to work every time (especially in WvW) - Lag or bug?

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Posted by: Replect.3407


World: Desolation (EU)


I’m not sure if it is because of lags or if it is a bug, but there are times where I’m not able to activate skills until I pushed it several times… Especially in WvW as a warrior with sigills or my heal, it often happens that I have to activate those several times before they finally trigger. At least I experienced it the most with those, but is likely just a fortuity!

Usually when having a lag, you experience that the skills don’t trigger directly after the activation (what is annoying like hell as well!), but shortly after (when not having a serious lag) and you see the skill flashing until it finally triggers, but this behavior seems to be different, because I have the feeling they wouldn’t trigger at all without activating it several times (I don’t see the skills flashing then)…

No matter if it is a bug or a lag, I really hope you are working on such things, because it is really bothersome if you wan’t to react to something but can’t, just because your skills don’t react at all…

Guild members are experiencing similar things and at least when talking about lags, players were reporting such things in /map and /team chat as well…ยด

TL;DR: Skill activation doesn’t seem to trigger everytime, probably a bug, or just by those annoying lags we are experiencing from time to time (especially in WvW), but they don’t seem to trigger later like usually with lags, they seem to trigger not at all if I don’t push it again and again…


(edited by Replect.3407)

Skill activation doesn't seem to work every time (especially in WvW) - Lag or bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


I can confirm this.

Some certain skill like, Ele-Staf-Air 4 and 5 doesnt get executed while i can use other skills. This is %100 not related to lag. I tested it and i can execute other skills while i cannot do this sometimes. I do smash the key few times and it is executed.

This doesnt randomly occurs on skills. There are certain skills that causes this. And yeah it happened in only WvW as far as i remember.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Skill activation doesn't seem to work every time (especially in WvW) - Lag or bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wodan.2087


I wasn’t sure if this was just lag or me being useless (probably the likely answer haha) but yes at times I have found for skills I have to click them a few times (i.e. like 3 or 5 times or more) to get the skill to active.

Skill activation doesn't seem to work every time (especially in WvW) - Lag or bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tennn.5498


I experienced this too on Necromancer several times. Just to let you know the issue is real.

Skill activation doesn't seem to work every time (especially in WvW) - Lag or bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Replect.3407


Well, then I hope ArenaNet is aware of that issue. I mean, even if it is just caused by lags, I hope ArenaNet is makings sure that lags won’t take place anymore sooner or later. If they increase capacity without being able to make sure that there is no lag, something is wrong!

Anyway, I hope that bug gets fixed…

Skill activation doesn't seem to work every time (especially in WvW) - Lag or bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JSmooth.7654


I have this same issue with my Guardian. I can’t remember the skill name, but it increases your movement speed and gives you agis. I use this a LOT for running. It does not always want to active. I can use other abilities when that one stops working. Very odd.

I am a tank at heart.
Sometimes I wonder what I’m doing here…

Skill activation doesn't seem to work every time (especially in WvW) - Lag or bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rahkoi.6853


I have this on my engineer, but also outside WvWvW. The two abilities I’ve noticed it to happen on are Drop Stimulant on Medpack and Elixir B, but the reason I notice them may be because I use them a lot out of combat to chain Swifntess on myself and sometimes it can take several uses for the ability to actually go off.

Skill activation doesn't seem to work every time (especially in WvW) - Lag or bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Refusilo.5841


Smae issue here with my elementalist

Skill activation doesn't seem to work every time (especially in WvW) - Lag or bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shaolin.7981


Ability lag is driving me Nuts. there is a 0.5 sec delay and im not even talking abaut normal lag or people disapearing in wvw like your fighting a army full of thieves.

Pvp suffers really hard because of this.
And il puth the game down until it’s fixd
and doubt it wil be fixd soon all they fixing right now are minor things.!

Skill activation doesn't seem to work every time (especially in WvW) - Lag or bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Adorable Kinkajou.4370

Adorable Kinkajou.4370

@OP: I too can confirm this. All my toons have the same issue, lag or not. I find myself repeatedly hitting the same key, hoping to finally get it activated, only to realise I’ve lost several precious seconds in the while, all over one single ability. It is beyond annoying.

@Shaolin: I’d be SO happy if it were 0.5 sec for me

Skill activation doesn't seem to work every time (especially in WvW) - Lag or bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Replect.3407


Something such basic and it just gets little attention, that’s interesting :-/

Skill activation doesn't seem to work every time (especially in WvW) - Lag or bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Replect.3407


It didn’t happen that often the last days, but it’s still present from time to time… Not sure if that was just luck that it didn’t happen that often or if they are actually doing something against it, probably it’s related to lags after all, I don’t know…

Skill activation doesn't seem to work every time (especially in WvW) - Lag or bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Replect.3407


This sunday in WvW it was a mess, there have been many times where my skills didn’t trigger at all… I just saw the flashing for the time that I pushed the key, but nothing happened. That day I also had little lag from time to time… What is it?

Skill activation doesn't seem to work every time (especially in WvW) - Lag or bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Im not having this issue for a long time. Just for feedback sake.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Skill activation doesn't seem to work every time (especially in WvW) - Lag or bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MajorKong.8095


The skills often lag in WvW. I’ve had this issue sporadically since release.

Human Elementalist -The Iron Triangle [IRON]
My WvW review

Skill activation doesn't seem to work every time (especially in WvW) - Lag or bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Grumpdogg.6910


You have to mash your heal button at least 3 times to get it to fire in WvW.

“I swung a sword, I swung a sword again, oh look I swung a sword again!”
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2

Skill activation doesn't seem to work every time (especially in WvW) - Lag or bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JK Arrow.7102

JK Arrow.7102

I experience this as well. It seems the skills work when I use the assigned keyboard button but will not activate 100% of the time when clicking on the skill with the mouse. Is that also happening to others?