Skill being used without input.
It sounds like you hit Ctrl+right-click on weapon skill 3, activating auto-attack for that skill. It will then fire whenever the cooldown is up if you’re in combat and in range.
Ctrl+right-click it again to disable auto-attack.
It could be that Ctrl+shift+3 counts as ctrl+right-click+3, so you’re activating it by accident when you have ctrl pressed too while hitting your skill.
are there white corners on that skill button
try pressing ctrl+right click?
Ah, yes, that was it. That would also explain why I had to continuously mash 1 to attack… Well, I feel very unobservant now. You know what probably happened was I was holding CTRL to look at enemies’ names and then tried to scroll my camera with right-click.
I still wonder about the cooldown, though. Why does it have only a ten second cooldown even without Phantasmal Haste? Is it a tooltip error and the trait is bugged to not give any CD reduction, or is the trait bugged to give CD reduction after you remove it, or is there something else obvious that I’m missing?