Absolutely love the game Arenanet! But if you could fix one tiny bug i’d be SO grateful. I play in stereoscopic 3d ALL the time, and there is a small bug that bothers me that i hope is a really simple fix for you guys.
The star icon displayed above player characters heads that symbolize world completion and the arrow icon that symbolizes level down/up never renders in 3d. It’s always 2 images without depth and I have to try not to focus on it because it is distracting and quite uncomfortable to look at.
The rest of the game is great in stereoscopic 3d and this small complaint is admittedly mionor yet can be QUITE annoying! Especially when the rest of the game looks so AMAZING in stereoscopic 3d!
ps. Also please make Glyph of Elementals function properly with their Inscription trait.
Thank You for your time and consideration.