Sneaky Graphics Patch?

Sneaky Graphics Patch?

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Posted by: cyanweapon.7290


After that last patch (or the one before it, now? I think there was a patch tonight), it looks a bit like there’s a graphical improvement.

I notice these things, because I play on the lowest settings. I play on the lowest settings because that’s all my laptop can handle. The upgrade seems to be with textures or something, and here’s what I’ve noticed:

1.) Character models are a lot sharper. This is neat.

2.) As soon as I enter the water, my screen freezes – sometimes for several seconds. This is very bad.

3.) My FPS seem higher than normal, reaching up to 30 sometimes. It used to cap around 22. So this is good! But then it seems to plummet if there’s action, dropping to around 14. This is very bad by comparison. Whereas before, the FPS was considerably more steady, now combat is getting tricky.

Can we get some clarification about what’s been changed? If there are going to be any additional options in the video settings to smooth things back out? All of my settings are still on the minimum, so I’m at a loss.

Sneaky Graphics Patch?

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Posted by: DaVid.5907


Yes my screen freezes upon submerging and like you run at lowest settings. Kinda get the feeling the basic requirement specs are about to change. : (

Sneaky Graphics Patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Huffinator.4598


I just wanted to share my experience with the recent update. While it amazes me how ANet always seems to break stuff non-related to their updates, I’m still disappointed in how they haven’t devised a new system to help minimize on such problems. I’m really trying to get myself back into the game (Not doing just daily’s) and stuff, especially since HoT is around the corner. But its times like these where some voice inside my head is telling me to just put the game down and move onto something else.

Just about every single time I enter a loading screen, my screen will flicker a extra black screen (Besides the one right before I actually fully load into a area) and my graphics look “offset” to what they are usually on after I load in. (I play with the same settings and can tell when stuff doesn’t look “right”) This always happens to me unless I reset my graphics settings to say Best Appearance and then switch it back to Best Performance for example, then it sometimes won’t flicker and everything would look normal to me. However, sometimes my game client will just out-right crash on me when doing this, so I’m basically back to square one with this issue.

That’s bad enough to deal with, but the black screens are much worse when entering/exiting water. It’s like the game had to re-load everything before you get a image back again! How in the world was this broken?!

Sneaky Graphics Patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

“How in the world was this broken?!”


Sneaky Graphics Patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


im having the same issue and i havent been able to play since the update because my pc sucks and it resets the graphics settings EVERY map change or cutscene or when i go under water.. worst of all ArenaNet hasnt addressed the issue yet.. -.-

Sneaky Graphics Patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

This should probably be merged with the ‘underwater black screen’ post now, where Anet have communicated that they are investigating and have asked for GPU specs. I’ve provided mine and I’m pretty sure my laptop might fall into the sucky range too lolzertank. You’re not alone.

Sneaky Graphics Patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: cyanweapon.7290


This should probably be merged with the ‘underwater black screen’ post now, where Anet have communicated that they are investigating and have asked for GPU specs. I’ve provided mine and I’m pretty sure my laptop might fall into the sucky range too lolzertank. You’re not alone.

The reason I didn’t direct my focus onto the ‘underwater black screen’ thread is because my issues are BEYOND the water glitch. The graphics baseline seems to’ve been updated since that patch, and while it has bizarrely resulted in higher-than-ever FPS of 30 (as opposed to around 22) when standing still, the moment action happens, it plummets into a stuttery mess. Whereas before, combat could flow and the FPS would remain relatively steady.

I don’t know, maybe there’s an internal stability issue that’s come with the new patch. But this update has made combat extremely jilted for me. I don’t dare do fractals like this. So I’d like to know what’s going on, what they updated, and if there’s any way of throttling it back.

Sneaky Graphics Patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Salamander.2504


What’s happening:
When you load into a new map or underwater, your graphics options reverts to “Native”. It will still display Subsample.

How to Fix:
Change your graphics setting to Native, then change it back to Subsample. You’ll need to do this every time you go underwater or load into a new map. If you don’t want to deal with this, just keep your graphics settings on Native.

Sneaky Graphics Patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: cyanweapon.7290


What’s happening:
When you load into a new map or underwater, your graphics options reverts to “Native”. It will still display Subsample.

How to Fix:
Change your graphics setting to Native, then change it back to Subsample. You’ll need to do this every time you go underwater or load into a new map. If you don’t want to deal with this, just keep your graphics settings on Native.

Absolutely confirmed for me. Wow. Excellent catch, Salamander, and a very heartfelt thank you for posting it.

This is definitely a bug, and I’m extremely relieved to find that confirmed. That’s a huge load off my mind. And thank you again for the operational fix until they get it straightened out. I just bump the “Settings Preset” to “Autodetect,” then to “Best Performance,” and that cleared it up, as indicated.

Sneaky Graphics Patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Joe Black.4526

Joe Black.4526

Can’t seem to find eta on a fix for this yet, anyone heard anything? I have a lower-end pc and this is really starting to bum me out. I can only handle so much native rendering on this thing. The water freeze is awful as well.

Sneaky Graphics Patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Barret.4095


check out this thread ( it’s the same problem.

the graphic settings seem to reset whenever you go into a loading screen, cutscene, or underwater.

what you can do for now is just do “autodetect” then do “best performance,” to make it playable. but you gotta do this every time it resets.

“For those whose time and dedication went above and beyond, only to achieve mediocrity”

Sneaky Graphics Patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


im really upset with arenanet right now. i havent been able to play since the update because of this bug.. they havent given any news either saying theyre at least fixing it.

Sneaky Graphics Patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SHM.7628


Yes, my screen goes black for a few seconds as well when entering the water. The last patch has made my frame rate drop drasticly as well.

Sneaky Graphics Patch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SHM.7628


This should probably be merged with the ‘underwater black screen’ post now, where Anet have communicated that they are investigating and have asked for GPU specs. I’ve provided mine and I’m pretty sure my laptop might fall into the sucky range too lolzertank. You’re not alone.

The reason I didn’t direct my focus onto the ‘underwater black screen’ thread is because my issues are BEYOND the water glitch. The graphics baseline seems to’ve been updated since that patch, and while it has bizarrely resulted in higher-than-ever FPS of 30 (as opposed to around 22) when standing still, the moment action happens, it plummets into a stuttery mess. Whereas before, combat could flow and the FPS would remain relatively steady.

I don’t know, maybe there’s an internal stability issue that’s come with the new patch. But this update has made combat extremely jilted for me. I don’t dare do fractals like this. So I’d like to know what’s going on, what they updated, and if there’s any way of throttling it back.

My FPS (since the last patch) is at an all time low, and it was awful to begin with.