(edited by Firefly.5982)
Honestly 2-1 in tribulation mode is not that bad. Takes 15min once you know the drill. 2-2 and 2-3 are MUCH worse
I think you need to play through 2-2 in normal mode to unlock 2-2 for tribulation mode
Here’s the thing: 2-1 might be not that bad for you. It is for me. Please don’t make assumptions about other people based solely on your own experience.
Either way, this clearly is a bug and should be fixed. Even if I could “just play through” tribulation mode 2-1 again easily, I shouldn’t have to. And as I stated above I DID play through World 2 entirely again in normal mode and that did not fix it.
Just completed tribulation mode for Z3 and was ready to go craft my weapon, but I didn’t get the achievement or coin reward :| Really do not want to play through it again. Also one of the regular daily achi won’t register for me either no matter how many times I complete it, needs to be fixed.
Figured it out. Lucky coincidence…tried to do SAB daily on another toon, noticed I couldn’t go in a certain zone, realized SAB is character bound, went through all my toons to find the one that actually did W2 Z1 trib mode and tadaa – I can enter zone 2. I WAS a couple years ago so I totally forgot it’s character bound. Thank goodness for that epiphany LOL