Solved: Lost costume-hidden by Wardrobe

Solved: Lost costume-hidden by Wardrobe

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Snoflake.9087


I can’t seem to find this anywhere else, so I’ll ask here.

I had two town clothes costume sets on a couple of characters. Way back at the dawn of the game I bought the Witch set and the Mad King set (they might have come as a two-fer). My ranger was wearing the Witch set. This has been on her pretty much since they came out. It was a fetching purple and I loved zooming around on the broom. I’ve done most of my costume brawls on this melting into puddles, so I’m not trying to pull a swifty here. Much later on (only a few months ago), I put the Mad King set on my Ele.

When the feature patch went live, like everyone else I logged in on my Ele and went nuts checking everything out. I converted the Mad King set over and added it to the Wardrobe. When I remembered that I hadn’t converted Witch set on my Ranger, I logged onto her to retrieve it to switch it over to the wardrobe only to find I have apparently ‘lost’ the set.

It appears that regardless of the Witch set items that character had in slot, the Wardrobe is overriding it and is insisting that I only have the Mad King set. I also now have a stack of 5 (? not sure on the number) Mad King sets in my bank.

How can I retrieve the Witch costume set?

Solved: Lost costume-hidden by Wardrobe

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Have you taken your Ranger to the Black Lion Trader (Armorsmith) in your city of choice?

Solved: Lost costume-hidden by Wardrobe

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Snoflake.9087


I was at work hours ago, so I’ve only just got home and did this. It worked. Thank you for your suggestion.

It would help if this was more clearly explained by ANet so I didn’t have a complete freakout over losing things.

Solved: Lost costume-hidden by Wardrobe

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

They do, but it is somewhat difficult to find unless you know where to look.

I agree that they should ‘advertise’ the Knowledge Base a bit more.

I am glad everything worked out satisfactorily. =)