Some bugs I've noted

Some bugs I've noted

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Areia.1940


Ok so here are a list of some bugs I can remember so far:

The south west skill point in Straights of Devastation is bugged (At least it is on Aurora Glade). It just stands there and doesn’t interact with anyone/anything.

Elementalists Ride the Lightning ability only works like 50% of the time. The other half it either stays where you were, flies up to the enemy but doesn’t hit them (Even if they don’t avoid) or goes in the wrong direction if they start moving elsewhere.

The Elementalist main attack with a scepter in the main hand (The channelled one which I can’t remember the name of) carries on channeling after the target has died, either leaving a huge trail of lightning between you and the dead target, or just making you hold lightning in your hands.

The master tools choose what they want to gather? One set of my master pickaxes can’t mine mithril, yet the other can…

Both me and a guildie got a GW2.exe error on the cinematic just before the Zhaitan fight.

Don’t know if this is a bug, but there is some annoying input lag, where it takes half/quarter of a second to respond to movement.

The camera can go through the air ships in the Arah dungeon.

(Just adding a little whine here, PLEASE remove the downed state from PvP :P thank you)

These are all I can think of off the top of my head, they most likely have been reported before, but meh, not gonna search for every single one.