Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: hypnoticangel.7328


I have talked to Soothsayer Jacinda more than once, but I keep getting her message everytime I enter Lion’s Arch. My character has already finished her level 80 PS with Victory or Death, so she doesn’t need to have her balanced realigned.

(edited by Moderator)

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Cliodna.8351


Dear A-net,

Everytime I enter LA i get a mail from Soothsayer Jacinda. While I finished my personal story. I did not get stuck before/in/after chapter 7. When I talk to her, she does nothing.

According wiki: Added an NPC in Lion’s Arch, Soothsayer Jacinda, who will attempt to restore characters who have become stuck in chapter 7 after the “Forging the Pact” story step and who have no active quest as part of their personal storyline

Spamming NPC’s who wants them

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

I have the same thing, its bugged, I have the personal story complete on my toon, and everytime I enter LA I get this message to go see her.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Jadzia Moonglow.6047

Jadzia Moonglow.6047

Apparently she has been located near Lion’s Court at the center of LA.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Doggie.3184


Apparently she has been located near Lion’s Court at the center of LA.


| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Damio Roncartia.7041

Damio Roncartia.7041

Can we please get a quick fix for this. It is getting rather tiresome.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Damio Roncartia.7041

Damio Roncartia.7041

I know there are probably bigger fish to fry, but this is a very annoying bug if you swap between characters or do fractals. Every time I leave fractals of the mists to go back into LIon’s Arch, every time I move to another character in Lion’s Arch. And it doesn’t stop. I have six messages in the mail, and none of the characters receiving them have broken quests. Please fix this. Please.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: JmoolZZ.6251


Bump to fix. this npc spam is not fun.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Dellumn.1490


Yeah was on my 11th letter. Reported the bug earlier today. I never needed realigning. I am on chapter 12 of HoT story. Everytime you logon/switch characters and back u get another ingame mail.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: notevenhuman.9371


I tried talking to her and accepting her quest but it does nothing. It’s definitely bugged. :C

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Trystia.8206


Can we just disable the mail altogether until this is fixed? It’s really annoying, and is probably affecting FAR more people than were ever affected by the bug… and those who are affected will now have the info needed to find this NPC anyway.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: aikatara.3462


I have this bug as well. It is really annoying. Also tried talking to her but nothing works. But there is no reason for my character to talk to her anyway since I have completed the personal story as well as Living World season 2. Only the HoT story is not completed.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Koomaster.9176


I have this bug on my engineer who already completed the personal story. The first one I received I had to check to make sure it wasn’t from another player in the game. The way the letter is worded and how we keep getting spammed with them every time we go to LA it makes it seem like an ad flyer for a psychic.

‘Ah yes your fate is misaligned, come to Soothsayer Jacinda! She knows all and sees all. The spirit world is but a waypoint away in Soothsayer Jacinda’s shop. Tarot Cards, Palm Readings and Mystical Trinkets await you there. Fix your fate today!’

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: King Usagi.4360

King Usagi.4360

I keep getting this in my mail on 1 Char [Shinigami Usagi] and I have tried speaking to Jacinda but it doesn’t do anything and when I relog I get the mail again, it is starting to annoy me, this char has also completed PS

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Damio Roncartia.7041

Damio Roncartia.7041

Still a prevalent problem with constant spam. Wish the devs would at least acknowledge this.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Damio Roncartia.7041

Damio Roncartia.7041

There have already been a few threads about this, but most of them have rather simple titles. I’m wondering if they might be being skipped over because of this. To emphasize the problem, I am done with the story quest on multiple characters. However every time I zone into Lion’s Arch, I get mail. Whether this be through logging in, leaving fractals, or zoning in from other maps. She spams my inbox with a message that does not pertain to me every single time. While a minor problem in the grand scheme of what probably needs to be addressed, it is getting tiresome very, very fast. Talking to her does not rectify the situation, as her dialogue options are not actually able to be clicked. I know I am not the only one dealing with this issue either. I’d really like to see it fixed. Thank you.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Lilianne.5839


same issue on my tempest everytime i move waypoints in LA or load into LA i get that mail

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Owea.3471


Same here with my necro aswell. My main guardian isnt getting it. I dont know if this because I did all s2 and HoT with it and not with necro or I choosed different orders with each of them. Probably about orders. Anyone know if they confirmed this bug ?

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: VincentDrake.9361


I am also having this issue, and while everyone here has described the issue, I would like to add what actually caused the issue for me. I was playing with a friend and helping them with their story missions. After we completed the mission Soothsayer checks for, I got a mail because I had completed that mission but had no active story missions (because I had completed my story already). I also attempted to correct the issue by replaying the final Heart of Thorns story quest, and while the mail stopped arriving while the quest was active, it started again as soon as I had finished the quest. Hope this helps you fix it.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


I randomly got the mail tonight as I was standing at the bank in Lion’s Arch, and I got it on a character that has completed all of the personal story. Weirdness.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Fiennis.4387


I’m having the same issue on multiple characters. I talk to the NPC and nothing happens. I don’t even know what this is all about, the dialogue is extremely vague.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Dellumn.1490


Same situation as OP, bumping in hopes it gets addressed cause its very annoying… I don’t think spams me this much lol, I kid I kid, I figure its not a top priority but man is it annoying. Please A-net your our only hope! <3

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Lyger.5429


Affected by this as well.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: paulv.5361


same issue really annoying every time in and out of fractals I get another mail ! Pls fix

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Scott Wollman.6124

Scott Wollman.6124

i am also affected by this on my ranger

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Enxas.9385


I have completed my personal story years ago and im still receiving mails from this NPC, i talked to her many times but it didnt fix anything. I’m still receiving letters when i enter lions arch.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Damio Roncartia.7041

Damio Roncartia.7041

I’ve just moved all toons to another town until this gets fixed. It’s still going on and seriously annoying. Please disable this NPC’s messaging until it is fixed.

(edited by Damio Roncartia.7041)

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Lorin.9564


Same here with my ranger aswell. I talk to the NPC and nothing happens. I already completed the personal story and no other HOT Story or Chronicle activated. Please fix this bug. Thanx

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Menadena.7482


talked to her to not accept …. get an email each time

talked to her and accepted …. got extra missions I did not want and still get emails

bug, please fix

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: daddyattitude.3928


After doing Fractals all day yesterday, I had to remove approximately 10-14 notifications from Soothsayer Jacinda.
I reported this as a bug today as it is occurring again.
Please fix this or let me know what is required of me to have this stop.

P.S. The SEARCH function of this web site is not working. I tried to search for this thread using “soothsayer” and “Jacinda” as criteria and it did not display in the results.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: gegorn.2185


Same, annoying, please fix.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: ChromaKey.9763


After 4/19’s update, every time I go to LA, I get a message from Soothsayer Jacinda on my mail. It’s flooded with messages and she doesn’t stop. I already spoke to her and based on the release notes, the NPC is for a bug in the personal story. Here is the thing: I already did my personal story, I already beat Zaithan. I also finished my Season 2 living story. I don’t have HoT so I don’t have anything active on my top right corner (green). Even if I try to replay any of the Season 2 living story chapters, she still spams me with messages. It only happens on that toon that I’ve completed the story. The rest of my toons are not even close to that story.

Seems I’m not the only one on this boat from LA’s map chat.


Chroma Key

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Bieeanda.3781


I have the same issue. I keep getting the same message on a character who’s completed the original story arc, and run both Living Story missions up to the end (though hasn’t completed either— I’m lazy). I’ve spoken with the soothsayer, which has apparently done nothing but set my current story mission to blank.

This character was created during the period in which the Zhaitan story was shortened, and that one ‘deepest fear’ story achievement was inaccessible.

Actually, I just checked: I’m getting the same message on a character that I know completed every mission of the Zhaitan arc, so that can’t be it.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Mizukiaki.8590


The issue I have with this is, I decided to fix my story and turns out you have to do the who;e dang story starting with getting the orb to killing Zhaitan again! So I left my elementalist, who had finished her personal story before I took the stupid quest to fix the story, at the temple of the forgotten god part and said screw it. I am not doing the whole dang thing over again!

Great games come and go, but the Awesome games are endless!!
Matron Kaldona Kye, Mesmer GW since launch.
Matron Kaldona Kye, Sylvari Chronomancer GW2 since closed Beta.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: shadow.6174


For anyone ending here that wonders about that NPC, here is more info about it:

For the OP, possibly you were affected by that bug sometime ago and it got “registered” in your account, even though you finished it. It’s just a guessing but that could be. Also, that NPC is related to Personal Story and has nothing to do with HoT or LS Season 2.

Anyhow, maybe a good thing would be to contact Support, since their “fix” could have gone a bit out of control possibly.

EDIT: since threads got merged this post may not be so relevant anymore and the “OP” I mentioned is somewhere else now.

(edited by shadow.6174)

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: kirima san.3760

kirima san.3760

Ever since the 19th patch each time I enter LA I get two “Your Fate is Clouded” mails. This means that if I login, I get 2, when I teleport out and come back I get another two etc. It gets bothersome.

From what I understand this mail should come if you had some issue during personal story, but the thing is I had no issues when I did it a long time ago.


Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: TheSakMan.8497


she must REALLY want you wink

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: shadow.6174


Have you tried to speak to her? Maybe that will go away if you do so. More info about the NPC at

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: klance.5780


Same here, I completed the PS on most characters and yet I’ll keep getting the mail on several of them every time I enter LA. I talked to the NPC which did nothing. It’s kinda annoying after a while.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Archranis.2375


I’ve gotten 20-30 of those in the last few days. Talked to the NPC multiple times. Had the story finished long ago too. So tried restarting/quitting chapters — no change.

[JUGs] Just Us Grownups —
Contacts: Archranis.2375 // Neksis Syxx.6983

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Tyberius of Ranik.3049

Tyberius of Ranik.3049

This is at least the third thread opened about this since the April 19th update, though they keep getting buried by other bug reports. So far, this has not been addressed by anyone at ANET, and it is not on their bug tracker.

I, too, have this bug, and talking to her does not fix anything. It began after the 19th update, on it occurs on my primary character who has completed all PS, LW1, LW2, and HoT quests. Now, since the 19th, my PS story has been reverted to Chapter 7, which is what this bug was designed to fix. I have not figured out a way to fix it.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Tyberius of Ranik.3049

Tyberius of Ranik.3049

Found this on another thread. Appears a fix is in the works.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Dellumn.1490


Just here waiting on a fix… and bumping the topic again.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


And… fixed with our hotfix update today!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Warcry.1596


Except the same issue I have is still happening. I speak to her, and it removes my story, but upon mapping to a new zone it still shows that I am continuing my story. I don’t want to finish it but I’m tired of it being on my screen. I thought speaking to her would fix that issue.

“He shall make whole that which was torn asunder.
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Except the same issue I have is still happening. I speak to her, and it removes my story, but upon mapping to a new zone it still shows that I am continuing my story. I don’t want to finish it but I’m tired of it being on my screen. I thought speaking to her would fix that issue.

The issue that was addressed through today’s bug fix was the one related to getting a mail every time you enter Lion’s Arch. I can see your situation is different. It may be advisable to contact Customer Support to have them look into this for you.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I don’t think it’s possible to remove unfinished Stories from the UI. You can only switch between different unfinished stories.

The only way to remove all Stories is to finish them.

Edit: typo

(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: shadow.6174


P.S. The SEARCH function of this web site is not working. I tried to search for this thread using “soothsayer” and “Jacinda” as criteria and it did not display in the results.

Yup, search in this forum has been broken for ages (see the sticky thread for alternatives). Not going further on this subject though as it’s not related to this thread.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: lostelf.3591


Is Soothsayer Jacinda even there anymore? Or has she turned into a wagon? Because when I go to the spot where she should be in Lion’s Arch, an empty wagon is all I see.

Soothsayer Jacinda Bug [Merged]

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Posted by: Dellumn.1490


So the bug was introduced in April 19th patch…. gets fixed, almost two weeks later…..its back again….. I just love getting spam mail…… This is worse than spam.