Sorrow's Embrace entry problems

Sorrow's Embrace entry problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Grithok.6120


A group of 5 of us tried to get into sorrow’s embrace. All of us got into different instances. We were all on the same server, maguuma.

We all left the dungeon, left the group, logged onto alts, logged onto mains, then tried it again. The same person as before invited us into a party and entered the dungeon again.

Some people got a pop up, some did not. No one could enter the same instance. Some couldn’t enter at all.

We all left the dungeon, left the group, logged onto alts, logged onto mains, then tried it again. A different person invited us into a party and entered the dungeon.

Some of us got a pop up, no one could use it to enter the dungeon. We could walk into the portal to enter the dungeon, but no one ended up in the same instance. Some could not enter the dungeon at all.

Sorrow's Embrace entry problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Araq.9850


My party faced the exact same issue last night as well, and we tried similar methods mentioned by the OP but we were always in separate instances. From Crystal Desert.

Sorrow's Embrace entry problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zynnix.3408


I have had this problem a few times with this dungeon. My only suggestion is to submit yet another bug report, because me and a few people I’ve grouped with have already. The higher the volume of requests, the greater chance the problem has of being looked at and solved.

Sorrow's Embrace entry problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: thekloud.5712


I got this problem too and sometimes I cannot even go into it. Other members of my party also had same problems. very annoying..