Ahhh, I’m not crazy. I kept hearing people say “Ow my leg” in WvW when I was running by myself between locations, then I would freak out a little thinking I was about to get jumped by some people I failed to notice, but then I would look around and see that I was actually alone. Glad to know this isn’t just me…and that I’m not hearing voices.
I hear disembodied voices too. I also hear disembodied machines. Was in WvW yesterday and ould hear a ballista. When I finally found it it was about 1 minutes run away from my original location.
Have also heard the flap of my fire elementals wings so screamignly loud I had to turn down my speakers or risk them breaking. Was completely out of proportion with my other sound levels.
I also get loud bangs for no reason sometimes….I’ll just be standing in a camp (with no cannons) and hear a loud and sharp BANG…then back to normal background sounds. :S Confusing and as you say, slightly madness inducing.
Yeah, sometimes I hear random Human or Charr voices telling me I’m in pain or that i’m channeling the power of fire. It freaks me out.