Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (The Source of Orr) bugged...

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (The Source of Orr) bugged...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Power.2957


So as if the boss fight wasn’t annoying enough with him teleporting all over the place…at rougly 50% hp, the sovereign eye of zhaitan stood in a corner, and spammed his pink ray on Trahearne while invulnerable. He’s been like this for 10 minutes and hasn’t moved while I’ve been on auto attack.


“Power is like the illuminati of Guild Wars.” -Loshon

Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan (The Source of Orr) bugged...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Power.2957


I ran as far as possible away from him so Trahearne would teleport to me and break aggro, so now he’s moved back to the center and of course regained his full hp -_- which is doubly weird because I can’t change any of my skills and appear to still be “in combat.”

EDIT: This time he’s gone to the opposite corner, stopped teleporting again, but at least now he’s not invulnerable. He’s again spamming his pink ray on Trahearne, so going afk with character on auto attack.

“Power is like the illuminati of Guild Wars.” -Loshon

(edited by Power.2957)