Spam via mail in game

Spam via mail in game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sebb.2907


Anyone getting Gold spam with in the game yesterday had about 3 or more. took screenshot via bug console ? will they ban them asap

Spam via mail in game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: angryJon.9107


I logged in yesterday, and literally not even 1 second after coming online, I received mail from a Gold seller spamming me to buy gold from a website. There is no easy way to report people this way. When someone spams on the map chat, it’s easy to report them (just right click their name and report). Unfortunately, I was unable to do this with the person who sent me that mail. I don’t know any other method to report someone. Please add a simple method to report these gold farmers/sellers.

**PS I hope that these botters are being dealt with. I play some MMO’s before that died due to the GM indifference to the presence of Bots, and people getting fed up with the sheer numbers of bots not getting banned. (AION was one of these MMO’s that come to mind).

Spam via mail in game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CC Dalmarus.8397

CC Dalmarus.8397

Community Coordinator

Thanks for your feedback, but this subforum is for Game Bugs so will be closed. More forum sections will be opened in the future. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation!

Spam via mail in game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aethan.6457


This is really annoying, as there’s no easy way to report them from the mail interface. “/report” doesn’t seem to work, so I’ve had to send the spammer a whisper in order to make their name appear in chat – then I can right-click it and report.

Spam via mail in game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mcl.9240


I also received an in-game mail advertising gold for sale, and don’t know of any way to report them.

Spam via mail in game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dadefyl.1908


I just got spam mail as well and tried looking for a way to report it.

Spam via mail in game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Grilo.5640


I have just received a gold sales advertisement in game mail, as well. I didn’t know how to report that.
Would reporting in chat system show the mail information of that player to allow a ban?
Reporting in the bug system (as suggested above) didn’t seem appropriate.

I suggest a report system for mail be added as soon as possible.

Spam via mail in game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Teddyruxspin.4863


Make note of the name that sent out the email and open a ticket. Make sure the ticket is selected for “scamming” and notate the details of the email as best as possible.

You will most likely NOT recieve a reply about the status of the ticket as alot of these are going thru. The point is to have that person or persons reported so that corrective action can be taken. The only thing as users that we can do is continue to report them.

Spam via mail in game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Teddyruxspin.4863


This is really annoying, as there’s no easy way to report them from the mail interface. “/report” doesn’t seem to work, so I’ve had to send the spammer a whisper in order to make their name appear in chat – then I can right-click it and report.

I would not even go that far to start a line of communication with them.

Spam via mail in game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rjones.7694


Looks like the gold sellers are doing their thing.
I’d like to report them but there doesn’t seem to be any way to do it.


Spam via mail in game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moderator


As mentioned by the staff member above, this forum is for reporting bugs, not for feature requests. The team is aware of this issue. Thank you for your understanding.