Spectral Grasp: Is it bugged?

Spectral Grasp: Is it bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Quench.7091



Right now I’m having an issue on my necromancer alt where floating text tells me my Spectral Grasp gets obstructed in the most random of areas or no floating text appears at all and nothing happens. I mostly like to PvP. It is where I tried out the ability the most. This happens even if my target doesn’t go into the dodge animation, so I’m wondering if enemies can just strafe to dodge it or if it is just a stubborn bug that causes the ability to fail often.

Spectral Grasp: Is it bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Peach Pinky.6501

Peach Pinky.6501

No, the skill has some targeting + function errors. I used to use it a lot in PvE until I got tired of it constantly messing up. In dungeons why I go to pull a mob, most of the time the mob just gets slammed on their face instead of pulled to me, causing all the other ones in the group to come. I’ve submitted multiple bug reports on the issue. Hope it gets fixed soon.