Speed/teleport exploit

Speed/teleport exploit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I am not sure where to post this, but I had this strange encounter with a Guardian in WvW just now. There was no lag at all, but he kept moving in short, shadowstep-y bursts(every 2-3 seconds), besides his normal movement. Now, before saying “this skill, that skill” – I have over 900 hours on guardian and we have no such skill. I took a screen of him already far away from me, then another, with his name, when he was so foolish to accept my party. I know these can’t be a concrete proof, but if you want to check him out, pm me.

Speed/teleport exploit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Monkey Fritz.9052

Monkey Fritz.9052

I am not sure where to post this, but I had this strange encounter with a Guardian in WvW just now. There was no lag at all, but he kept moving in short, shadowstep-y bursts(every 2-3 seconds), besides his normal movement. Now, before saying “this skill, that skill” – I have over 900 hours on guardian and we have no such skill. I took a screen of him already far away from me, then another, with his name, when he was so foolish to accept my party. I know these can’t be a concrete proof, but if you want to check him out, pm me.

Two things:
1: Just because you didn’t experience lag, doesn’t mean the other player wasn’t having latency issues that would cause a discrepancy between them and the server.

And 2: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flashing_Blade

A teleporting guardian build does exist.

Speed/teleport exploit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: izual.4735


Your Honor. Thats true my client have been using teleporting skills but… Oh cut the crap. There are plenty of fraps showing this kind of behaviour. If he would use all those skill he wound’t have much speed and after 3 ‘jumps’ would be easy to follow.