Speedy Reader Achievement Bug
Did you read all of them or did you just interact with all of them? Each one has more than one “page”.
Did you read all of them or did you just interact with all of them? Each one has more than one “page”.
You don’t need to “read” them to get credit. I skipped out on about 30% and still got it.
Killian Darkwood(Rng), Kaalia Darkheart(Guard), Avacyn Darkmind(Mes):Maguuma
I did not see a progress bar for reading the books until I finished all 20, so you do not see a progress bar until you’ve interacted with all of them. IT went from 0 to 100%.
I completed this a few days ago. I never left the zone or logged out. I was reading them in order and halfway through ported to another part of the zone to help someone fight a champion. Came back to ebonhawke and read the rest just fine.
I read all of the books from start to finish (most of them had 4 pages), did not leave the area, and even read all 20 of the books in order.
I read all books til their last page, did not change zone, charater or port, did read in correct order. Achievement successfully acclaimed. Three days ago.
I’ll try it again tonight, but it took like 30+min to find them all in order by walking, so I’m not excited to do it over again. >.>
Print off a map of their locations and then cross off each one as you read it.