Squad and Say chats letter is the same.

Squad and Say chats letter is the same.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

One of my favorite features in-game, is the ability to put letters in front of chat messages, to show which chat it is (Map, say, squad, team etc).

However, with HoT the colors of Squad got changed into a color that I know is not the same as Say chat, but to my perception it’s the same.

Usually it wouldn’t bother me, because I can put the letters in front of messages, but both the Squad and Say chat uses [S]. This is not good!

My suggestion would be to changes Squad to [SQ] or even [D] which is the shorthand for accessing squad chat.

Hope this will be adressed (Soon™) since this broke an amazing colorblind feature in the game completely for me.

-Sincerely a severely colorblind player.

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Squad and Say chats letter is the same.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Just to be clear, you are talking about the display prefix in chat, not about what letter you use to switch to the relevant channel (since “/d” already works to chat with a /squad).

I agree — if ANet is going to use prefixes, they should be consistent and the difference between /say and /squad can be important.

FYI if you are in a squad, you can use /party chat instead, which I think will display distinctly for most types of colorblindness, plus it should be prefixed with [P].

(Near as my testing has determined, there’s no important distinction between /squad and /party unless the commander divides the teams into sub-squads, in which case each sub can see only their /party, while the entire squad can read /squad.)

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