Stacks not ticking on Elite or higher kills

Stacks not ticking on Elite or higher kills

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Posted by: Euryon.9248


I have a sigil of bloodlust on my scepter, and all I have to do is tag a vet or lower to get the stack to increase. But I can solo an elite or do significant damage to a champ (without switching weapons) and the stack will not increase. Is this a known issue?

Stacks not ticking on Elite or higher kills

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Posted by: Saucermote.9140


I might be wrong here, but I can offer a theory. A lot of elites that spawn, do so as part of events, and to prevent farming (yay?…) end up being enemies that don’t reward experience, and thus end up being enemies that don’t trigger any of the “on death” type of sigils (or food) including the ones that count kills such as the sigil of bloodlust. Much as killing white enemies doesn’t do anything.

You don’t win friends with Salad.

Stacks not ticking on Elite or higher kills

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Posted by: Euryon.9248


If true, the question then is why do the Vets and lower mobs that also spawn as a part of events count for ticks?

Stacks not ticking on Elite or higher kills

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Posted by: Saucermote.9140


The champs, is probably to prevent farming, the elites, who knows.

You don’t win friends with Salad.

Stacks not ticking on Elite or higher kills

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Posted by: Khisanth.2948


If it gives you exp it should gives stacks.
There is a problem with having the stacking sigil on both weapon sets.

Stacks not ticking on Elite or higher kills

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Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


It could be a couple of things.

1. You could actually be getting the kills with your offhand weapon instead of your main hand one.
2. You could be not actually getting credit for kills on the elites or champions, due to either the nature of the event or just the fact that you didn’t do “enough damage”.
3. You could have sigils that are conflicting with eachother.
4. It could just be bugged/broken.

Stacks not ticking on Elite or higher kills

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


You don’t need to kill with the weapon the sigil is in for sigils to take effect. In fact you don’t even need to use a weapon.

Stacks not ticking on Elite or higher kills

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Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


You don’t need to kill with the weapon the sigil is in for sigils to take effect. In fact you don’t even need to use a weapon.

For stacking sigils, you DO have to kill with that weapon.

Stacks not ticking on Elite or higher kills

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


You don’t need to kill with the weapon the sigil is in for sigils to take effect. In fact you don’t even need to use a weapon.

For stacking sigils, you DO have to kill with that weapon.

Not true. Go test it in game. I just did.

Stacks not ticking on Elite or higher kills

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


You don’t need to kill with the weapon the sigil is in for sigils to take effect. In fact you don’t even need to use a weapon.

For stacking sigils, you DO have to kill with that weapon.

Not true. Go test it in game. I just did.

Doh, you’re right. I stand corrected on that.

Stacks not ticking on Elite or higher kills

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Acros.9437


Since wednesday when I kill something with d/d I don’t get the stacks, with the other set p/d it works normally. I have been using this setup from months and never have had any problem like this with the stacks.
In my case is the sigil for 10 condition damage for stack.

Stacks not ticking on Elite or higher kills

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Halcyon.7352


It could be a couple of things.

1. You could actually be getting the kills with your offhand weapon instead of your main hand one.
2. You could be not actually getting credit for kills on the elites or champions, due to either the nature of the event or just the fact that you didn’t do “enough damage”.
3. You could have sigils that are conflicting with eachother.
4. It could just be bugged/broken.

I would wager that the most common cause is #2 here.

Some mobs seem to be ‘summon’ types and grant no XP as previously mentioned.

Also, the amount of damage required may be deceptively high. For the case of champions, if you did enough to qualify for a champ bag, it’ll probably count for a stack.

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!