Stop Beckoning At Me You Spammer!

Stop Beckoning At Me You Spammer!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kyven.7514


In both Black Citadel and the Grove, keep in mind that I am NOWHERE near the Mist Warrior I’m still being beckoned at. Even in the grove, when I am 2 floors below the Mist Warrior, I’m still being hit with the beckoning spam. Make it stop!


Lareswen-Human Warrior/Zinnia Epsilon-Asura Mesmer
The Tyrian Institute (TI)
One of the few Americans on Gunnar’s Hold (EU)

Stop Beckoning At Me You Spammer!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StinVec.3621


I know, it’s horrible.

A dev responded in this thread about the issue and that it will be added to their tracker to be looked at. However, that thread only mentions The Grove, and not Black Citadel as well.

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